Best EOD one off purchase charting software?



I am looking for some decent EOD one-off purchase charting software for Windows/PC, at a reasonable price.

Having searched high and low, the best option I have found thus far is ProTA but unfortunately this only appears to be available for Mac.

Is there something out there that I may not have come across just yet?

I have tried ProRealTime, which is very impressive, but really need an offline solution (other than to gather data) for travelling on my netbook.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Neo ticker, but you will need get the data somewhere. There are other solutions out there but they mostly are subscription based
By the looks of things neoticker is now On 30-day demo, giving Ninjatrader a shot first

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Why don`t you check for amibroker not only a steal, but the best kept secret of the industry! And a huge and helpful community. Data can be downloaded from many free sources and stored locally.

Might have to give it a try I found the ninjatrader interface not that comfortable to use.

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If you really want to kep costs down to zero then on 1 index like S&P 500 get your data from yahoo and put it into Excel for manipulation.
Alternatively use your SB's charts for free.
I use excel at the moment and am happy with it, I keep things simple. I am just trying a few more out of curiosity and if I find something that can complement excel then even better

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Why do you want to pay for a platform? Are there some features you want that aren't on the free ones?

Ninja + Kinetick is totally free for EOD. is a really lovely web based chart platorm too.