BBC Hardtalk Kyle Bass interview

There were lots of people who recognised the problem and saw the financial crisis coming and tried to warn people. Not one of them was a mainstream economist. Ben Bernanke thought the economy was spiffing!

Ben Bernanke was Wrong - YouTube
He gave a very good interview(y)

I liked the part where he says 'I can hear the contempt in your voice'.

Thats because she works for the BBC my friend. As an organisation it is full of limp wristed liberal leftists who have an anti-capitalist bias and a thing for big government. Maybe that isn't so surprising though when you consider they rely on the government for their very existence.
As an organisation it is full of limp wristed liberal leftists who have an anti-capitalist bias and a thing for big government

dont know why they didnt have another support interviewer - someone with technical expertise, she got baffled a few times like when he was explaining that the sub prime & greece bets were effectively hedges against his long bets on the economy (albeit cheap & eventually profitable ones) - she banged on about 'how much wonga did you make then' and 'surely your part of the problem?' slant.

still insightful interview though, cannot believe it takes a hedgefund to do the work the EU shld be doing regularly - but i suppose the big banks wouldnt have been able to clean up on fees if they came to conclusion 18mths ago that much better to kick greece out EU back then or haircut debt then.
i wonder if they need more printing presses! i have a contact in zimbabwe that can get parts cheap
i wonder if they need more printing presses! i have a contact in zimbabwe that can get parts cheap

the fed has a few of those also (as does BofE), though they can only be leased out on short term basis
Yes because public officials are paid to say what they really think.

True that is the case but Bernanke did drop some subtle hints about what was coming round the corner back in Jan 2007 - Here was my reaction to it and I was heading in the totally opposite direction to the markets.

I thought he was off his rocker when he said the Fed anticipated the fall out to be approx $100bn from the crises in one of his Fed speaks.

However, back then the twin defecits and the wars were in full swing and every tom dick and harry was up Bush and Blairs arses supporting the war and boom for cheap money and billions of spending left right and centre.

This was hint the markets followed it with a rise. / Global Economy - Bernanke warns US of