averaging up/pyramiding/scaling up: do you do it?


Experienced member
I not so long ago posted a thread regarding how i thought averaging down was very useful, but now i think that if you can generally get good entries, why not just start small and add to it?
The main advantage over averaging down that averaging up is that by the time the pullback has 'ended' you are small size, losses are much smaller, though not when you are fully scaled in.

I've come to realise that averaging down is just a break up of a normal trade into smaller pieces.
More than likely i'm just crap and can't find a way to use it other than averaging into pullbacks, but i've recently started to love pyramiding.

does anyone else scale in?
On long term trades, yes.

On day trades, it's not really practical in my opinion - I tend to scale out, not in. Mostly to leave something on the table for the occasional 'runner'.
I scale in and out a lot. The more often I trade this way, when I do lose, I don't lose as much and seems my wins are getting larger on a regular basis.

I'm still starting out small and willing to take only a small profit if price movement doesn't allow me to scale in - I think I now have part down pat.