Average house price to be over £1,000,000 within 12 years in London.


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Interesting article from Reuters.

Million pound starter home by 2024
Mon Nov 6, 2006 4:48 PM GMT
Email This Article | Print This Article | RSS [-] Text [+] By Jennifer Hill

LONDON (Reuters) - First-time buyers will have to fork out a cool million pounds to get a foothold on the property ladder in less than 20 years, data showed on Monday.

The average first-time buyer home in the UK will hit the million pound mark in the second quarter of 2024, if the current trend in house price and income growth continues, according to Stroud & Swindon Building Society.

It said that would equate to seven times the average salary, projected to be 146,188 pounds by then, if earnings continue to increase at current levels.

Those in Greater London will see the average first-time buyer property price soar above 1 million pounds the soonest -- within 12 years -- if house price inflation is maintained at the same rate of the past decade.

The typical first-time buyer home would hit that price within 16 years in the south-east of England and 17 years in the south-west.

Property in Scotland would take the longest to achieve that price, reaching the one million mark in 29 years.

Paul Chafer, sales director at Stroud & Swindon, said the "shocking picture of a potential future" suggested the next generation could put off buying property or other life goals, such as marriage or children, to get on the property ladder.

"Most people aspire to owning their own home, but this research shows that our children are going to find it very difficult to get onto the housing ladder," he said.

"Even if house price increases slow down to more acceptable levels, in future first-time buyers are going to be forced to put off purchasing their first home even longer and have to rely increasingly on the 'bank of mum and dad' to help with the deposit."

The findings come after the country's second largest mortgage lender, Abbey, increased the amount it will typically lend to up to five times income to help struggling first-time buyers.

But Chafer said it was pointless to increase income multiples if it would result in consumers taking on levels of debt they could not service.

The projections are based on Office for National Statistics figures that show the cost of an average first-time buyer home has risen 11.5 percent per annum since 1996. The average income has increased at a rate of 7.4 percent per year over the same period.
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Every public spectacle ends in correction of some sort. Often, in a house of correction. And the force of the correction is equal and opposite to the deception that preceded it.

I think correction might happens.

But it also looks like there is shortage on supply side. So that might keep the price continue to rise albeit at slower pace in the next 10 years or so. Unless of course a lot more house are built to keep up with rising demand especially on the south.
bizmanny said:

I think correction might happens.

But it also looks like there is shortage on supply side. So that might keep the price continue to rise albeit at slower pace in the next 10 years or so. Unless of course a lot more house are built to keep up with rising demand especially on the south.

Answered to you question. It not the price of the house that counted; itsthe ability of the homeowner to repay the loan. Yes, one could sell his house to get cash. But then where would he live? It wasn't as if his was the only house in the UK going up in price. . Short of that, one has to service his loan, just like any other borrower. And as the weight of his borrowing increased, his legs began to wobble and buckle. Nor did it help that his house was pricier – his insurance, his maintenance costs, and his property taxes and bills were rising too!

Its only a matter of time. I remember everyone saying Tech is the future back in 1999. Look what happen to that. The Nasdaq100 still got another 3,000 points to go, before we hit the old time high..although the Dow have made all new time highs..............what a mess.

Put you money in Cash over the next 5 years.Yes im a big bear
Yes, if you ignore the direct affects of bird flu, climate change, oil availability and price, energy security, terrorism, and the changes in law/tax/regulation if they happened, AND you assume that trends never end, then they might be onto something. We live in the real world, however. Who knows? They certainly don't.
blackcab said:
Yes, if you ignore the direct affects of bird flu, climate change, oil availability and price, energy security, terrorism, and the changes in law/tax/regulation if they happened, AND you assume that trends never end, then they might be onto something. We live in the real world, however. Who knows? They certainly don't.
LOL. Maybe these guys could also give me a forecast of where the FTSE, Dow, and Cable will be in twelve years time please. Although the secret of their amazing forecasting technique might be given away here: "...if house price inflation is maintained at the same rate of the past decade." I think the authors of this piece might be estate agents rather than Nobel winning mathematicians or economists...
Norfolk - Cornwall

Why do house prices in Cornwall continue upwards whilst house prices in another nice part of the UK - Norfolk - seem to stagnate in comparism?