Automated Forex Robots


Does anyone have any experience of using one of these? I really like the idea but am wondering whether they can really help? So far I have been fairly successful on my own but I’m very interested in the idea of trading automatically.
ME TOO ! NO experience !SO I COME HERR!
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Money99: it is unlikely that you have the resources that instituitions have to be able to afford/obtain access to the kind of quality set up you need to make this successful. Institutions and mega-traders invest in £bn trading centres in the hope that they can make this "work"--this goes all the way down to locating as close as possible to a network exchange to shave a nanosecond off latency. All these "publicly available" systems do is give people an opportunity to abdicate responsibility for their horrendous losses.

tientzu1968: you definitely need to read for a few months, learn trends and the like before you even think about opening a demo account. Down, boy.

Oh--and I say all this having learned it the hard way.
I also like manual trading. There are very few automated forex robots that really help but searching and find these robots are not easy. Most of the robots are just scam and nothing.
Thanks guys for your answers.
I thought so, but I also assumed that the automated bots become more sophisiticated and untraceable...
One must already be profitable before using automated trading. Auto-trading is only used to augment what you already know, picking up where you physically left off. If you're going to use Auto, you have to already have a high probability of the direction.
People have this idea that they can just buy a program and push a button, come back in a week and have money to spend.
I think of it as Auto-pilot. One can't just walk into a hanger and push a button. One has to know the weather, get the plane into to air and have some idea of the direction one wants to go.
This analogy is not perfect, but I'm sure you get the point. Yeah the technology might exist to just push a button, but for most of us the idea of auto-trading is just to assist us in not being able to trade 24/7.
... so focus on being profitable, then worry about auto-trading.