Gloating is the surest sign of an amateur. You caught one move. So what? If you don't normally post, it is in dubious taste to post just to tell us how good you are. Here is a bet: you will lose ultimately, because you are too proud of your one trade and are telling the world about it. If you think fundamentals can be ignored in FOREX, you are kidding yourself.
Good luck because you are gonna need it.
Thats another reason I dont post more often. However, how in anyway could you possibly know what way I trade. You dont know anything about me.
I also give you other reasons I dont come on here often.
1)I dont come on here because I dont want to read about conflicting opinions. All I need is to execute my own system. I dont care what anyone does on here. Do you really think that all decent traders are always on here? Is that not a reason?
2) I do other things. When I m not doing trading related stuff I dont feel like coming on here to type.
3) Have you been to Bangkok. Well I stay there, and the thai girls and the nightlife are fantastic. When I m not busy I go out and have agreat time. Why would I come on and talk about trading on my time off? I need to relax. Good enough reason?
I ve give 3 reasons of the top of my head, but you wrongly assumed its that i came on to gloat.
Why would you say that? I was merely stating my position.
I had observed that in this thread lots of people were awaiting daily fundamental data, but my system isnt necessarily effected by the intraday movements caused by daily data release. I say not necessarily because maybe the data may cause the price to move in a direction which may cause a signal within the parameters of my system. If the price moves that way then why do I need to know the fundamental that caused it. I need to act on the price, not what the data may or may not mean. Whatever effect the data has I will see it in the price and I will act accordingly. Therefore I dont need the fundamentals.
Maybe my system isnt as short term as yours. The intraday movements as i ve already said dont necessarily effect my system. Are you a shorter term trader then of course you may need to look at funadamentals. That is fact for me. Now if you can so openly make an assumption before knowing none of the facts then..
Now, I m in no way saying you can t trade without fundamentals. Maybe your system permits you to use the fundamentals, mine doesn't. My system isnt worng and yours isnt wrong. Just conflicting. Not wrong, not right.
I ll ask this. Is there not many successful traders who use lots of different ways and means? They made there way successful because they observed markets and were able to see what they saw and translate it into rules.
Now you want to bet that I ll lose in the end? I m not really trading against you so I ll bet against the markets, and try my best.
I ll postulate that you have some issues within yourself. Maybe your a little too competitive, in wanting to bet against me. What good will that do you apart from serve some part of you that maybe has to be right.
Bet against the markets...