ASCII format for Tradestation 2000i


Active member
ACII format for Traadestation2000i

Hi alkl,

I'm trying to load an ascii dataset for tradestation 2000i for a friend. Reading the manual its says i can do that thru the globalserver..

I created a test file as below and it still doesnt like it ..

Any ideas (apart from him using Sierra charts which is far superior !!)


Hi Pervaz,

I needed to do the same thing last week. It took me a little while to get it to work but it finally came good.

First of all my advice is to try and open the CSV file directly from a chart rather than try to import it into Global Server. So open a chart window in your work space, then choose "3rd Party Directory" and navigate to the directory that contains your ascii file. Then select the file from the list that appears and click plot. Then choose for the data settings "First line of data file" and "Month Day Year" format (they're the defaults anyway). If the file is formatted correctly it should take you to a further settings window where you define details about the instrument such as the exchange, type of instrument, min/max move etc. Then finally you should have the "format symbol" window where you select the time of chart (daily - you'll want obviously), and the date range. It's important to get the date range and data format correct, otherwise although the data might be loaded in you've not actually chosen to view it correctly (which is what happened to me). If it works this way then repeat for importing into Global Server so it's readily available.

In terms of the file format, the definition is given in the "Help" file via the help menu - make sure you add a file newline to the end of the file, but apart from that the above lines of data look fine.

If you're doing a lot of importing of ascii files, then there is a commercial utility that might be of interest - its called HistoryCentre and you can read more about it here:
Had the same problem myself, went to the hypertrader site for a convertor. You can get Hyperserver Lite which seems to be for realtime and Hypertool prem edition which appears to be for EOD data including ASCII & Metastock. I'm downloading the EOD solution now - Let you know if it works.