Arian Financial....any insight appreicated


Hey guys,

I'm looking to get into IDB although I am coming in from outside of the City. I have my first interview (or informal discussion as it was put by their guy) next week Wed and so was wondering if anyone could shed somel ight on the firm, as their website it pretty vague.

Any other advice along the lines of how these discussions typically go, and any sources in which I can find some in depth info on the sector and roles (I know these guys look at Euro Derivatives) and the kinds of things that will make them tick would be much appreicated.....

Thanks in advance
Hey guys,

I'm looking to get into IDB although I am coming in from outside of the City. I have my first interview (or informal discussion as it was put by their guy) next week Wed and so was wondering if anyone could shed somel ight on the firm, as their website it pretty vague.

Any other advice along the lines of how these discussions typically go, and any sources in which I can find some in depth info on the sector and roles (I know these guys look at Euro Derivatives) and the kinds of things that will make them tick would be much appreicated.....

Thanks in advance

How did you get on with this? I am looking to approach them myself and wondered if you could provide a bit of insight. What's your experience like in the markets?