Normally agree with most of your posts Paul, but can't really see where you're coming from with this one. In many major religions, it is clear that God DOES communicate directly with humans on a one to one basis, and has always done. Christianity, Judaism, Islam all being prime examples.
How come then Shakone; God has never contacted non-religious people? Research it.
I'm a disbeliever, God has never contacted me ... He has 'contacted' my mum who IS a believer...
Let me describe a similar instance; I'm scared of spiders. When i go into a dark room, i'm very anxious and 'SEE' and 'FEEL' lots of spiders and jump and run out the room, while my mum cannot see or feel such things.
Paranoia and heightend emotions = Illusion that corresponds with beliefs.
This to the person RE-INFORCES that belief, but doesn't provide evidence.
I won't believe until i'm contacted, and saying that you 'have to belief' in order for him to contact you is just an excuse, because if you belief then OFCOURSE he'll visit you in your illusions; just like if i believe there is a spider under the wardrobe, i'm going to see suspicious shadows and movements... Similarily, if i believe that people in my neighbourhood are regularly burguled, then i hear noises that sound like a breaking of entry. Simiariliy, if i believe that someone fancies me, i will notice them looking at me and i'll BELIEVE thats because they fancy me (re-inforcing the belief) ... Assumptions, Assumptions, Assumptions based on BELIEFS during times of HEIGHTENED emotions, which the body naturally uses to re-inforce the belief so that you avoid or seek to find such instances in the future...
If i believe i'm being attacked, i might hide, my senses will be very sensitive and i'll hear small noises and feel SCARED, the feeling of being scared will re-inforce that i DON'T WANT TO BE IN THIS SITUATION and my body remembers that; Now furthermore, when i feel i'm being attacked, i will feel more scared and more certain that i'm being attacked and that i need to act.
I'll give a perfect example; I've got a young brother who believes in Santa...
He heard his jingles at christmas and raindears outside his door... Upon questioning, in my opinion he seemed to genuinely believe this to be true.
I didn't hear them.
Now you could say 'Thats because you didn't believe' and true, had i believed, i may have been under the illusion due to my paranoia/beliefs that Santa was outside my door... However in reality, the reason i didn't hear him wasn't because i don't believe in Santa, its because he doesn't exist.
Read that and tell me in a logical way how its not true ?