Arcades offering other products

yes - why CFD's vs futures?

the benefit an arcade can bring is primarily in the costs associated with trading - ie: pooled resources bring cheaper software lease for tools such as CQG, X_Trader, bloomberg, and of course massive reductions in commissions through collectively traded futures volume.

CFDs are basically a bet but without the tax breaks, since the firm offering the CFDs usually takes the other side of your trade - some firms may offset their risk on the underlying but most, such as IG dont. I dont know of any arcades that do this, and I cant see how it would be advantageous to you to want to trade CFD's through an arcade.
Hi Arb

We are talking about 'real' Direct Access CFD's here where another market participant trades against your order placed in the LSE SETS order book not a bookie type CFD provider who lets you trade against his own prices.

Commision is paid on a per trade basis depending on trade size and volume as per futures and is made up of the exchange fee and the brokers per futures.

The same theory of volume and pooled resources should apply in an arcade if there's enough traders trading equities, which there doesnt seem to be!!

As for the question on why trade CFD's and not futures; Stock futures follow the actual share so you may as well interact with the "real" market and trade the share via CFD. Plus there's only a limited amount of stock futures available.

If you meant why trade equity based CFD's and not Index or STIR futures, thats a different question completely!
heh, you're quite right :D looks like i misunderstood your question.

there must be some prop shops that are involved in equities and the sort of CFD's you are talking about here, but I'd better let someone who knows a bit more about it than me chip in
ive just purchased premises in clerkenwell, and by 4th quarter this year or 1st quarter next year i will be opening a prop trading floor for approx 30 traders with a very very low desk fee, and pooled commissions, to trade cfd's, futures fx bonds and options....
jimmy1 said:
ive just purchased premises in clerkenwell, and by 4th quarter this year or 1st quarter next year i will be opening a prop trading floor for approx 30 traders with a very very low desk fee, and pooled commissions, to trade cfd's, futures fx bonds and options....
you have mail
Captain Haddock said:
Do these arcades offer anything other than futures? DMA CFD's for example?
Capt. Haddock, our business partner ( Fortisbank ) has asked me whether i had any interest in making DMA CFD's available to my traders. At the time i did not but if you want i will look into it for you. Our commissions on futures are among the cheapest in the market place, so i should be able to negotiate on CFD's also.
We have office space in Essex London and Cyprus but can set you up via VPN from anywhere.
Let me know if you would like me to look into it seriously.
Regards nohare