Application Question - Help needed please


Hi Guys,

I am in the process of applying to a fund after many years of being an independent prop trader so I feel a bit out of the loop on certain things. Since my usual way of working out P&L's was simply make a note of my account at the start of the month then apply my month end statement to it giving me a net figure, I have been thrown a touch with how I have been asked to provide my trading history.

The request by the firm is to provide my monthly statements in a standard form on a percentage basis. Does this simply mean take a start date and assume that day is £0 and work month by month forwards indicating the percentage increase/decrease? This doesn't feel right to me as at the beginning of the data sample percentages are going to be massive due to the big change from the zero balance and after a few years in, start to even out a bit too dramatically. Is this in line of providing P&L's in a way of compounded rates of return or is this something completely different. For an experienced guy I do feel quite a dunce asking this.

If anyone has any experience in providing this type of information I would be very grateful for some guidance.
