Anyone trade the news?


Anyone trade the news? Sometimes seems kind of risky but some people make a full time business out of just trading major news. Here's a video I just saw from CNBC currency on how to trade the jobs report. News Headlines tips from......cnbc........nice.......and on how to transact a news release having a vending machine at my front door.......can't wait for the next tip........

Anyone trade the news? Sometimes seems kind of risky but some people make a full time business out of just trading major news. Here's a video I just saw from CNBC currency on how to trade the jobs report.
Which people do you know that make a full-time business out of trading the news? How many? Do you know them personally?
It all depends on the reaction to a given known event risk such as data/news release. A classic thrust break out pattern or the classic sell the 1st hi-buy the 1st pullback / buy the 1st low-sell the 1st pullback are both repeating plays that may or may not set-up depending on the initial (+) knee-jerk reaction to such an event risk and plays that I will consider trading - but each event risk and market reaction is different and it depends on whether certain criteria is met as to whether I trade them or stay flat.

We are through the looking glass re data/news reactions now - black is white and white is black - or it can be and all the old certainties pre 2008 generally may no longer apply. Classic reactions can be instead usurped by risk-on/risk-off plays etc.

I personally know of no one that makes their living entirely ftrom trading news/data reactions but this is not to say that some might ?

Anyone trade the news? Sometimes seems kind of risky but some people make a full time business out of just trading major news. Here's a video I just saw from CNBC currency on how to trade the jobs report. News Headlines

It is previously unknown information, so it could be difficult.
Maybe the reaction to it could be the right way if one can find the way to measure it.

BTW It's an interesting video - Do they all make a full time business out of trading major news?
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A guy I know through a trading group in Portland has a method and said he gets a 20% increase once a month every non farm payroll. But I agree that its better to focus on the natural movements that are always forming instead of just the chaos that happens at news time.
A guy I know through a trading group in Portland has a method and said he gets a 20% increase once a month every non farm payroll. But I agree that its better to focus on the natural movements that are always forming instead of just the chaos that happens at news time.

I find this very hard to believe particularly as the U.s NFP effect isn't what it was re pip movement and far more whippy than it used to be, and because the effect isn't as simple as it once was if there is one - for eg the classic sell $ with bad NFP # can be turned on ti's head as risk-off comes into play and $ is bought in those circumstances.

I agree though with your general sentiment.
