Anyone seen "The biggest game in town" PBS show from the commods guy?

yeh he's on a public access show. I like the bookshelves in the back.

I'm just wondering if this is how modern government operates.
yeh he's on a public access show. I like the bookshelves in the back.

I'm just wondering if this is how modern government operates.

Well we know they now have computer screens on their desk ... all the leaked emails etc. I think that could be part of the problem actually. We've gone from government by committee to government by email and blog. They confuse quantity with quality. They can do more, but it's more cr@p. Maybe a return to book-lined offices and leather-top desks wouldn't be a bad thing. Smaller government, and let it spend more time on the golf-course. Quality thinking time. Also, each minister should spend one day a week sweeping the streets, to remind themselves that they are the servants of the people not the masters. Paid pro-rata of course.
Wonder if anyone else watched the vid.

Could go a way to explaining the S&P continual up-tick on low vols no'?