Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

RSI or MACD divergence..??

UK stocks
Isolate the ones that went with the flow and the ones that stayed put
Scanning is best done when market is trending

tThe look back period is a few hours not 50 days etc etc.Relative strength is not very useful if market is consolidating
The dumbest article from the dumbest financial meedya outlet.

Yellen Pressed to Back Strong Dollar in Reversing Trump-Era Tone

Janet Yellen once touted the benefits of a weaker greenback for exports, but as the incoming Treasury secretary, she faces pressure to return the U.S. to a “strong-dollar” policy -- and may cause trembles on Wall Street if she doesn’t.

Every country is racing to lower their currency making stocks go higher. The moment they go back to a strong dollar policy is when it all comes tumbling down. Must be millennial children writing for Bloomberg finance nowadays.