Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

I would imagine in these thin markets ze Germans will do ANYTHING to get a new all time high before the end of the year.
Buy ze sauerkraut dip.
I would imagine in these thin markets ze Germans will do ANYTHING to get a new all time high before the end of the year.
Buy ze sauerkraut dip.
Don't knock it! The Berlin to Doncaster* airlift will be starting soon and the full panoply of sauerkraut's beneficial effects (especially when eaten) will soon be ours:

"Sauerkraut: wirkt krebsvorbeugend, immunstärkend und Virushemmend" ...and of course, it will also set you free. Surely that's a recipe for ein Allzeithoch.

*...and these Northerners who say the South East gets everything. Well, in the case of the new virus variant that is true... but we've already begun to share so we're not all bad, right?