Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

And still the Dow keeps going UP!

"I Was Truly Alone": Florida Waiter Laid Off Due To COVID Winds Up Homeless, Living In A Tent

"42 year old Jeff Lello, who had been waiting tables his whole life"

Granted a 42 year old whose employment zenith was 'waiting tables' wasnt going to have many options in later life but the age for hitting the scrap heap keeps going down and 42 is very 'young' to be unemployed and homeless.

People said machines would mean we worked less and had more free time in the future but I dont think they realised that the cost of having more free time was being unemployed and homeless.
Is this progress?
Yesterday nasdaq up 206 points.
  • Amazon had the most positive impact on the Nasdaq 100, adding 69 points to the index
One third of the whole rise due to one company.
Short ftse 5937
Its hardly sport is it.

Amazon up 5%
Facebook up 2.25%
Microsoft up 2%
Google up 1.6%
Apple up 1.19%
Same old faces moving the markets.
Amazon down 3%
Facebook down 1.3%
Microsoft down 2%
Google down 2.5%
Apple down 3%
Same old faces moving the markets.
How is anyone supposed to plan for the future of a business when the share price swings +/- 4% a day.