Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

From 7:30 last night the s&p went up 8 handles.
It started going up at 7:20 today from 2162 that means they will close Mondays gap at this rate.
i'll stay short, thx

test the lows, jesus

nobody in there right mind long here
i'm sorry allow me to make my case..


sorry, can't stop laughing at myself
there is soo much overhead...they push this as high as they want..

longs are screwed, blued and tatooed..

handwriting is on the wall, imo
the lows will not be easy..

they will be messy..

they will test your resolve.

you will second guess yourself..

you will doubt..

but stay true
heading for the lows..this is just a mess

its a mess

err on the side of safety
Its 7.30pm in New York and the S&P has started to creep higher.
Just wait till its 3am and they let it rip.