Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

I fear the lulz just dried up there. sadly same as big_bum_babe and whatshisname? the provider of much juice.
Its a sad fact but i am addicted to these fools.I was listening to George Carlin the other day(rip)and he was saying that he loves to study people.PLEASE BRING BACK THE LULZ...............................I HONESTLY BELIEVE THAT 1 PERSON CAN FORSEE THE MARKET ACTION (y)
he opens up new accounts each time he blows up, lol.
He's still short dax and from way way way down on his previous twitter account :)
What previous twitter account ?
I'm sure you're aware, but:


posted a couple of winning trades on his demo account without a stop. (not hard!)
Then got it completely wrong and closed his account and blog out of embarrasment.

Now started a new account (dailydax30)

too funny. Complete loser :LOL:
sigh. It's the same person, lol. drunk old Davie Robertson.
Dailydax30 already had an account here a long time ago and was found out to be Davie robertson and banned.

Then trix-x joined, again found out to be the same person by the mods (after me, I might add! :)).
Obviously this is the same person. (using one of his old trade2win handles.)
He has loads of twitter accounts and screen names on various forums.

He's a broke, drunk dude with no life other than attempting to scam a few newbies out of their money. He blows up, and starts all over again.

Oh and just one last thing that I forgot about actually.

Do you post your trades and analysis ?

And can you out perform his trade calls ?

He might get the occasional trade wrong wrong which people latch onto, but never seem to latch on to the countless winning trades and analysis provided.

I would like to see you post your trades and analysis and compare with his.

Maybe think about that before you criticize.

Anyway just wanted put that out there. You have a good time now.

you must be very proud of yourself.

i don't rip people off or lead others to lose money, as you do on what appears a monthly basis. it all looks ok until it goes wrong and goes against you, then it's run away and delete the evidence. a sure sign of a clown that, trouble is for you many are wise to it now on twitter ;)

never mind mate, i'm sure you'll think of the next big thing :innocent:
Not as much LULZ tho as when you (sorry, i meant he, or is that she!?!?) chastised postie etal for selling :arrowu:trend, then promptly did your/ their bollox counter trading Dax.
Hilarious! :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
And also that nice little feature Police UK have added to their site for quickly reporting trolls.

I guess your avatar sums up you and your ilk as you p1ss on the unsuspecting. Other than to scrape you off the sole of my shoe I wouldn't give you the time of day.