Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

1 min shows the action well
a gap at the open
the test of 9435 area..then a bounce

now coming back for a retest
a break of 9440 on futs and we should test 9420 area..there id trend supp in that area..otherwise we are back up into 9470 area for a test of horizontal res
morning all

ftse looks set for a pummelling, not sure how much ex divi there is today

Ftse ex div date is now Thursday not Wednesday anymore since the change to T+2 settlement. Tomorrow the effect is 7.4 points - almost all of which is Vodafone.
Thinking to close my position now. It's a touch better than yesterday. Thoughts?

That's for you to decide, you have hard stops in at 529, either take that as a known possible loss and go for broke,, balls out and see where the market takes you, and it's not going to go in a straight bee line to your BE, or to be honest, if it was a smaller loss you wanted, then that should have been thought about last night after the high was hit, my post around 19.30 hours. The DAX is on a more even keel than it was an hour ago, so matey..........tis up to you......:)
You-know-who used to go on about "structure". After the Draghi hint re buying gov't bonds the structure definitely changed therefore voiding his previous analysis. I don't understand why he didn't have the decency to at least let those following his trades know that. He could then disappear if he wasn't man enough to continue after that loss.

The Dow hit the 123.6 fib extension of the previous range from the Sep 19 high down to the Oct 15 low (17728) . The same 123.6 fib extension on the SPX500 gives a target of 2070. Don't know about that, but I certainly won't be betting against it in this market.

Because he doesn't actually know jack **** about anything. Price Structure bla bla bla... He will have plagiarized that from some FX or Futures report from somewhere.

He sucks people in, takes their money and then you never here anything from him. And he's been doing it for years.