Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

The elegance of the manipulation on the Dow close is something to behold.

The days range just getting narrower and narrower as we go into the close. If it started to go up and you went long your out of pocket, if it started to go down and you went short, your out of pocket.
Ever get the feeling youve been had. :whistling

I have the close @ 16501.65 + 0.0000000


All perfectly normal. Nothing to see here, move along please. :whistling
FTSE scared of heights.
See if Hong Kong can hold the level 22235 to 22325.

One way traffic in Hong Kong - down.
Even pulled Japan down.
ASX closed today.
DOW futures down straight after the closing bell.
One way traffic in Hong Kong - down.
Even pulled Japan down.
ASX closed today.
DOW futures down straight after the closing bell.

Evening WBT,

No more 'good' news on earnings coming from US.
Nikkei looks to be closing near unchanged just like Dax, Dow ... :whistling
PMI weighing down China stocks I imagine.
Chinese 'allowing' their currency to fall, and them with record reserves. ;)
Its war on all fronts.
morning all daily gold


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MORNING everyone, hope you all have a good day, probably won't post much as i can't concentrate on several things at once, my PHD isn't in Multitasking......:cool:
morning all. Could be a good morning session today.

Looks like ftse & dax opening down from cash close yesterday, so some gaps to fill. But you know what they say about buying a down gap on a Friday...don't do it. Well don't do it if I'm doing it anyway :LOL:
dax fork indicating a fair drop 200+ points eek

1877 s&p critical imo

still bullish for now tho ...