Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Lol !

Been married since 1996 and never bought her a valentines thingy.

Could be why that's we've been together so long.

Could be that she's gonna go looking for the next guy with a different view on these things anytime soon.

Lol !

Been married since 1996 and never bought her a valentines thingy.

Could be why that's we've been together so long.

Could be that she's gonna go looking for the next guy with a different view on these things anytime soon.


with pockets as deep as yours I doubt that very much :devilish::cheesy:
From The Trader

Daily market outlook
14 February 2014

My faith in the bull market seems to be getting repaid once more. Having become fairly beaten up as of Wednesday 5 February, the indices have since begun an impressive bounce. From its low to high, the FTSE 100 has so far added more than 4 per cent, while the S&P 500 has put on closer to 5 per cent, while Japan’s Nikkei 225 has done a bit more still.
Today's Market Focus

Could this be a mere 'dead-cat bounce', as the top-callers are generally saying? After such a strong sell-off, which left many markets oversold, it is only natural that they claw back at least some lost ground. My view is that the correction is most likely now over and done with. The move higher looks sharp and convincing. Were it a phoney, it’d likely be shallower, like the S&P’s mid-June move last year.

Dead-cat bounce last year

Of course, nothing is guaranteed. If the S&P and at least one of the Dow Industrials or Dow Transports now goes on to close beneath the recent lows, then the primary trend on Wall Street would switch from upwards to downwards, according to Dow Theory ( That does not mean we would have a bear market, however, although it would raise the odds of one.

The current mood adds to my case for our being in the early stages of a new leg upwards in equities. Thanks to the sell-off, retail investors in the US had become noticeably more bearish as of last week. The AAII survey had bears outnumbering bulls by a gap of almost ten points. Over here, spread-betting positioning data also shows traders to be somewhat cool on the FTSE 100 right now. Such scepticism makes an ideal backdrop for ongoing gains.

FTSE's saw-tooth climb

Rather than fixating on the timing of the next downtrend, I think the more relevant question is what sort of uptrend we are going to see. In the case of the FTSE 100, it has been an exasperating, saw-toothed climb since last June. While I do reckon it will reach new nominal all-time highs above 7000, my worry is that it continues to make headway in this erratic fashion. For that reason, I am still more drawn to the FTSE 250.

FTSE 250 recovery

The mid-cap index’s ascent has been much steeper than the large-cap index’s since last summer. The rallies have been sharper and the retreats gentler. The latest move upwards - which began right at its 100-day moving average, just like the previous two - has followed this pattern too. I think the fundamentals - which I discussed in my recent report ( - are in line with the technical case here.

Mid-caps at past tops

It is true that the FTSE 250 looks overbought on the monthly timeframe. It currently sports a relative strength index on this chart of around 75 per cent. My main observation would be that it has got much more overbought at previous major highs, such as in 2007 (85 per cent), in 1998 (83 per cent) and in 1987 (87 per cent). A similar case can be told around valuation: the mid-cap index is somewhat dear but not yet eye-wateringly so. How much higher might it go? I notice a cluster of swing-projections exist around 17880. That’ll do me as a target for now.
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with pockets as deep as yours I doubt that very much :devilish::cheesy:

Haha !

Pockets aren't that deep tho, and ya never know what goes through a females head!

There is just no limit to the stuff they can talk themselves into when they really set their mind to that.


À propos of nothing, had started thinking "going for a walk" was deep underground T2W subterfuge for "need a quick pint athe bar before I go spank the indices some more" !

Lol !

Been married since 1996 and never bought her a valentines thingy.

Could be why that's we've been together so long.

Could be that she's gonna go looking for the next guy with a different view on these things anytime soon.


all my wife got was a nectar card update :LOL:
Quick laugh in between spoofing the Bund and cutting Condors and spanking the Dax:

"Bill and MM - classic examples of good men sent off the rails by the system.

We had some times didn't we ? What do you think pushed you over - the Napalm or the vaccinations ?

Still - memories eh ?

I remember one time in Bangkok when we were on leave. Me and the guv'nor went to see some Thai boxing in one of the suburbs. Picture the scene:

A hot balmy Thai evening as we pulled up in the jeep outside what can only be described as a large tent. The occasion was the final of the Fuc King Wan Kin un-licensed boxing tournament. These boys were tough - ever seen boxing gloves with Kitchen Devil knives strapped to them ? Ever seen boxing shorts with broken glass glued to them ? It wasn't often men like us were granted leave and when we were we played hard. And drank hard. And did all the other things that hard *******s do on their days off.
Anyway, there we were looking forward to what promised to be the fight of the century. Forget the Louisville Lip, forget the Brown Bomber, forget Flowerday and Balboa this was the real deal - the ruckus in thing.

Anyway, the guv, fresh from giving a technical analysis lecture at Pong Fanee University ( where he reportedly killed a student who failed to recognise a descending triangle ) decides he wants to have a bet. "Come on Boss" I said " You already have those condors on can't you leave it alone ?"
I didn't have a chance - when the guv'nor wants something he goes for it.

Little did I know he'd had a leak ( not in the American sense of the phrase ) and knew that Lee Hung Low was going down in the fifth. He lumped on with all the evil looking Thai bookies and we sat back to enjoy the show.

In 20 yrs service I have never seen anything so gruesome. It was worse than when John "Legsy" Leggsville mistankenly thought a stick of brown dynamite was one of his Havanas. Blood, guts, noodles - it was everywhere. Sure enough, both fighters came out for the 5th and 30 seconds in under a flurry of blows Lee Hung Low crumples to the canvas never to rise again.Deads.

There was pandemonium. The guv'nor and I went to collect his loot and were immediately surrounded by the evil looking Thai bookies. "You cheating round eye *****" they shouted whilst reaching into the shoulder holsters concealed under their Palm Tree print shirts. **** ! Now me and the guv have been in some tight spots I can tell you. This was tight. Tighter than Wheeler in a bar-room, tighter than Knighty's combats . Tight !

I looked at the guv. He nodded at me - our special secret signal that we had used for years. In a flash the guv's arm had shot out. Do you know what he did ? Do you know what he did ?

All the bookies dropped dead in surprise. We hot footed it to the nearest whorehouse.

Hard men at work and play.

Bloody marvellous"


From ET's immemorial MacFutures Analyst thread that will live on forever.

Bloody marvelous !

Going to have to have a drink to the MacFutures Analyst tonight.

Quick laugh in between spoofing the Bund and cutting Condors and spanking the Dax:

All the bookies dropped dead in surprise. We hot footed it to the nearest whorehouse.

Hard men at work and play.

Bloody marvellous"[/B]

From ET's immemorial MacFutures Analyst thread that will live on forever.

Bloody marvelous !

Going to have to have a drink to the MacFutures Analyst tonight.



great, MacFutures Analyst should be required reading for everyone serious about trading.
Yeah. Matter of fact, if someone hasn't read that, I have absolutely no idea how they can even think about having a go at trading !


Trading without the teachings of the MacFutures Ananlyst is like trading with a skirt and sawed off red pants !

Postie already out with his dogy to buy the cheapest posh looking gift in the town... :rolleyes::rolleyes:

I'll have you know petrol stations do some very nice flowers nowadays. :p

Plus some even do a Marks and Sparks meal deal with wine for a tenner. I spoil her.
Yeah same here, always have, always will use nothing but:


Couldn't trade my way out of a paper bag without that these days !