Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Top post... best bit

"The biggest mistakes I see are people who cannot accept a loss. Honestly this is how we make 75% of our money. As an example, one recent client had a run of about 25-30 profitable closed trades, each time he would bank $1,000 - $5,000. He did not have 1 losing trade in his first two weeks of trading so the next time he opened a position I monitored his account suspecting the obvious…he let his positions run until they showed profit.

Sure enough this was the case, his large account balance allowed him to take a lot of pain, then when he would come onside slightly as the markets ranged he would Bank the profits and clean up. Well, not two weeks later he was down around $250,000 and was close to liquidation. As with most he simply did not know when to throw in the towel and ended up blowing his whole account.

Another common thing I see is traders who self-hedge. They will lock in a loss and try to get themselves out of trouble by trading out of a losing position. This has hardly ever worked well for anyone. Swaps often eat away at you, and as you try to work the trades, the spreads also start chipping away. Again it comes down to people refusing to accept losses!"
It will be interesting to see if S&p 1800 or Dow 16,000 hold until open.
Odd values dont you think, maybe they are on the 56.2 day moving average.
You dont think people who were short have put stops in around these values do you???
morning postman.

anyone remember the powertradingradio video I posted where merlin told a story of his visit to a UK spread betting company,

he said the employee of the spread betting company showed him on the screen where all the orders/stops were and the guy pressed a button and took them all out, free fast money.
htw check the sp500 cash and dec 2013 lows, some people calling reversal from there

the dax 8am hour bar is usually huge, maybe the meat of the move has already been done overnight

and huge it is becoming , not in the way we would like

dax day high minus about 90 me thinks
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Jessi its all in the stars after all.
Thats an "evening star doji" on the 1 hour for Dax.... :D
morning postman.

anyone remember the powertradingradio video I posted where merlin told a story of his visit to a UK spread betting company,

he said the employee of the spread betting company showed him on the screen where all the orders/stops were and the guy pressed a button and took them all out, free fast money.

Yeah, I remember, about a couple of years ago, I watch a documentry... don't remember where exactly.. But that docu showed that they have something call stop heatmap where they are see in a single screen where most of the stops are...
So the Dow has been up >100 and then Down 80 in overnight trading when the cash market is closed and cant arbitrage odd movements in the Futures.
Nothing odd going on here - move along please.