Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

I know. News article from yesterday.

All that money and they cant educate their children. It is appalling.

the government does not want a well educated population, when they did educate properly the american revolution occurred and the republic was established.

john taylor gatto

How Hindu Schooling Came To America (I)

By the end of the first quarter of the nineteenth century, a form of school technology was up and running in America’s larger cities, one in which children of lower-class customers were psychologically conditioned to obedience under pretext that they were learning reading and counting (which may also have happened). These were the Lancaster schools, sponsored by Governor DeWitt Clinton of New York and prominent Quakers like Thomas Eddy, builder of the Erie Canal. They soon spread to every corner of the nation where the problem of an incipient proletariat existed. Lancaster schools are cousins of today’s school factories. What few knew then or realize now is that they were also a Hindu invention, designed with the express purpose of retarding intellectual development.
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Anyhoo back to the markets.
Anyone know where this random walk on wall street is taking us today?
Originally Posted by SuddenDeath View Post
goldman's agent on cnbc trying to put fear into the market, "76% probability we get a 10% drawdown"

They're going to look pretty stoopid if it doesnt happen then.