Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

So, very little volume, everyone happy that were over the mystical, spooky, cursed 16,000 value :rolleyes: now lets rip it up. :sleep:
@deltaStrikejj 1h

bears hiding above 1800 with buy stops $ES_F

about 16,047 dow
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So - the Dow is in an upward channel set between 2.30 and 3pm our time. It finishes at 9pm with the Dow at aprox. 16080. :eek:
Morning all.
Off to a good start today - I'm long 2 positions on Dw from yesterday.
I'm going to keep playing Christmas songs until people get the message - Buy buy buy.

Dont want to hold over the weekend so closed both @ 16057.
First one from 15991 2nd from 16005. Have a good weekend guys. (y)