Anyone recommend an EOD data providor?


I am looking for EOD data to import into Supercharts on a daily basis that is both reliable and reasonably priced (for the N.American commodity markets). It needs to be in individual contract months format as opposed to continuous contracts. Can anyone recommend any particular data providor? Many thanks.
Norgate Investor Services provides an extensive historical data for futures comprising of over 80 contracts each with the individual contract months. There is also a continuous contract generation capability too. For more information see our web site (click the WWW icon below) - a free trial is available.

Suggest that you try InvestorEase, they offer a free trial as well.

There is an export function that converts to some of the well known formats.

If not have a look at Paritech for Metastock only.

I was using CSI. It was costing about 30gbp a month at home with the weak dollar. But if you want to study separate expiries of the same contract ie euribor jun06 vs euribor jun07 you might come unstuck. Very broad range of contracts available though, covering every futures market in the world I believe. You can also download the data and access it yourself via C etc, but I never got beyond using excel vba. Has anyone got any experience of Futures Source data? I need some data which goes down to hourly level, but dont want to pay an arm and a leg for it, ie reuters/bloomberg
free eod data for metastock

Have you tried For a one time fee, you may download
us and international stock,bond,forex,futures, and possibly mutual fund eod and intraday
data continously. Databull offers a free trial version. The limitation is that data includes 1
year of historical data and quotes may only be download up to 50 times a day. Otherwise, its
fully functional with no time limitations. A benefit of databull is in the automated data
conversion to data formats such as metastock.

daveey said:
I am looking for EOD data to import into Supercharts on a daily basis that is both reliable and reasonably priced (for the N.American commodity markets). It needs to be in individual contract months format as opposed to continuous contracts. Can anyone recommend any particular data providor? Many thanks.

Hi daveey
I use Supercharts with CSI this is a top feed with clean data from the USA
for what you want ( the commodity market ) phone code + 561 392 8663
100% service / tech help free 13 hours a day
have used it for some years now, great feed
regards t
daveey said:
I am looking for EOD data to import into Supercharts on a daily basis that is both reliable and reasonably priced (for the N.American commodity markets). It needs to be in individual contract months format as opposed to continuous contracts. Can anyone recommend any particular data providor? Many thanks.


No better choice than for US futures markets EOD data - cheap, comprehensive and CLEAN !

However, it has no fancy interface, and you will have to do some extra work to get it into Supercharts (data comes in txt files and therefore needs conversion, you might want to set up a macro to do this if you have larger amounts of data to be imported).

Good luck !
