Anyone reckon Iran might send a human into space tomorrow?


Legendary member
If someone can lay me at 500-1 before midnight I'll take it. Conditions of bet are human sent into space before EOD 12 Feb Iranian time.
the proposition is only interesting if they are required to bring him/her* back to earth alive

* her = FA chance, but there you go.
Not terribly fussed. All I know is Ahmajenijad has said he's going to show something off tomorrow, and since they recently sent a monkey or something up, and he's presumably not going to invade Israel or set off a Nuke... it's an idea, tis all... 500-1 is probably too short odds actually, 1500-1 I would like someone to lay me if poss...
you think 500-1 is too shot having said in the previous sentance "they recently sent a monkey up" :) not talking your book real well there....
I'madinnerjacket is going to ascend into heaven hand-in-hand with options and all the rest of humanity will be marked as beasts for their vengeance.
Not terribly fussed. All I know is Ahmajenijad has said he's going to show something off tomorrow...

Wouldn't get too excited...I bet he just get his old boy out and has it dangling out of his flies, and then pulls the inside of his pockets out to look like ears, and then just makes an elephant sound.

classic Ahmajenijad!!
looks like the surprise was some uranium anyway, so not all that exciting...

I think the real surprise was the unveiling (boom boom) of the new Iranian Revolutionary Guard uniforms? They're quite an improvement on the old...
