My strategy is one based on playing gaps and squeezes. Theres nothing clever or particularly complex about it but let me give you a quick description.
For ET:
1) dont play the gaps as premarket trading information is difficult to get
2) I use a 5 min chart and work off two ideas - when bollinger bands get inside the keltner channels, the market is squeeing. I then look for the bollinger bands to break out of the keltner channels and go in the direction of the momentum oscillator. Using a 5 point stop on et. Not gonna make you a fortune but a good staring point.
For YM:
1) Trade opening gaps greater than 20 points - use premarket trade info to assess the likelikhood of the gap filling - this will decide whether or not i fade the gap.
2) same squeeze play but with a 10 point stop - have been using 10 but think 20 might give me that bit more breathing room. Thats why i like the YM - its the same risk as for the et but the reward is greater.
I actually prefer trading YM as using TRIN/TRINQ/TICK/TIKI/PUTCALL RATIO acts like a real heads up as to whats is happening.
Results wise, i average around 40 points a week on ET and 120 on YM - assuming 2 lots. It doesnt sound much but when ure doing 20/50/100 lots, it soon adds up with limited risk.
Personally i dont like having too wide a stop and trading the DAX/CAC requires that. thats just me though - cant hack the big swings!