anyone knows KEVIN KERR ?


Junior member
anyone knows kevin kerr ? i read he is a legend when it comes to commodities . he has a newsletter ' resource trader alert' , anyone has any views ?
Kevin Kerr

Yes, I am familiar with it. RTA Alert is a good service. They recommend Orion Futures Group at as their broker to handle the trades. They put out Option orders for people. I think you can pay a 1 time fee for a lifetime account.
I had the resource traders alert. They send you marketing email to sign you up with outrageous claims of profits. I was a member for about 4 months, and they had 3 or 4 trades. only 1 was profitable the others were losers. he believe in LONG term holds and will usually see deep drawdowns up to 50 or 75% in his commodoties picks waiting for another market cycle to turn them around. Not my cup of tea, thank you.
he was pretty decent during the bull run, when making money in commodities was a nobrainer. He also predicted the oil crash of July. For the rest, I see all his picks in the last months deeply, deeply, deeply (up to 97%) in the red. Both those in the previous service RTA and in the new service GCA. I would rather recommend other newsletters like MoneyWeek or sirchartalot, they provide a much more complete and accurate coverage of the markets and are better value for money, although they don't explicitly recommend any trade. I also find quite decent the Options service by Steven Sarnoff. I would assume that the Summer 2008 crash took many seasoned traders completely off guard, Kevin Kerr is one of them I would say.

On top of that, he has provided almost no coverage of this big crisis, leaving his subscribers in the dark. This is not what you expect from a trading advisor when you pay a hefty 900 and something dollars a year membership.

On the bright side, he sincerely makes an effort replying to individual emails. He is a good guy, but this is not enough to be successful in trading.
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here is his current portfolio. A recipe for success is to buy a CALL whenever he recommends a PUT and viceversa. Incidentally he never recommends PUTS, his brain is hardwired for infinite growth in the commodity market.

Alert Date Open Positions Entry Price 11/18/2008 +/- % Action
8/13/2008 Buy Feb. 09 Live Cattle 110 calls 3.80 ($1,520) 0.150 ($60.00) -96% Hold
8/20/2008 Buy Jul09 Silver 1600/1700 call spread 19.0 ($950) 6.5 ($325.00) -66% Hold
9/19/2008 Buy Dec09 natural gas 1300/1400 call spread 0.110 ($1,100) 0.070 ($700.00) -36% Hold
10/21/2008 Buy Apr09 Crude Oil 100/110 call spread 1.200 ($1,200) 0.31 ($310) -74% Hold

As you can see, in 4 months he has issued only 4 trading alerts, and all of them are FANTASTIC LOSERS. If he had some decency, he would return the subscription money to his subscribers. Which he will never do, he needs our money to sustain his luxury lifestyle with a house in every corner of the world.

It's a scam. His trading results are lies. I've subscribed to his service . It was an amazing experience. His call recommendations within hours went down , puts up. 8 out of his first 10 recommendations were total losers, 1 break even, 1 25% win. Agora Financial still shamelessly promotes him.
Sorry to warm up this slightly dated thread, but is there anything new to the Kevin Kerr story or how he is performing lately?

Reason I'm asking is that I just stumbled across his CGA and wanted to check back and see if it's any good. Judging by your previous comments, it doesn't really sound very exciting.

I know the guy since I am a subscriber for about 3 years now to another Agora service called Outstanding Investments (OI) which is for common stock investing focusing on resource related stocks. It's actually a very sensible letter and not expensive. (As and aside: OI performance is bad too since last year because they are very much are a buy and hold service. But their recommendations are very sound and I still like them.)

Anyway, Kerr used to write a few comments in there as well and but has not done so in like 6 months or so. I was already asking myself what happened to him. SO TODAY I've learned OI has a new "resource expert/counsel" named whomever (could look it up if you wish). But Kerr was never officially "fired" or "retired"... so I checked and found he now promotes his CGA. Apparently his Agora RTA is still continuing. But success lately has been, well, crappy based on what you wrote. :)

Hence my interest if you have anything new to say about the guy or if I should simply just look elsewhere.

I would be interested in a service that did well in last years first half AND second half... I wonder if these exist at all... Thanks for any tips ro hints!

It would be easier just to set your money on fire, at least you will get some warmth from it. He is the modern day ken roberts...
Have recieved numerous emails from him about a year ago or so. Never responded. His methods and style are very similar to that of Glen Rings
newsletters. If you did just the opposite of his recommendations you could
have achieved hitting his stops 75% of the time.
Who is Kevin Kerr, someone must know him? But I can't see this is that important. We should learn to trade futures, make some money, life goes on without Kevin Kerr knowing it.

This idiot?

“First, you won’t hear about the “Millionaire’s Market” on the evening news. The operation is hush-hush. And obviously, the millionaires want to keep it that way.

“Next, only the elite can join. They charge outrageous membership fees to join the “Millionaire’s Market.” At least a million bucks.”