it is impossible to predict short term price direction.
if u dont believe me check the next time there is a trading competition, 80% people end up losing.
I don't see how anyone can predict that, frankly. Even, just thinking about it takes some seconds, at least.
Asking anyone for advice on how to do it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
It has to be computerised trading and is, completely, random.
Yes, you can trade for holding times less than a minute and be very profitable, both manually and with algos.
I have a trading acquaintance who makes several million dollars per year with one of his strategies - an automation which scalps volatile markets for ticks. Risk is minimal and the trades are opened and closed in 1-5 second bursts throughout the day, for 1 to a few ticks profit, in sizes of 10-100 futures contracts. His model has extremely good predictive power for the next few seconds. I know his bona fides: ex institutional at an IB back east, founded his own B/D in Chi, runs his own trading team, and owns several exchange memberships.
Few here know anything about doing this because successful traders have very little incentive to contribute. Those who have tried to do so have been discouraged. Therefore it is impossible to get serious answers to relevant questions, which makes this site worse than useless for aspiring traders. So unfortunately he isn't here to answer your questions. And it appears neither is anyone else who specialises in this niche. Its apparent that any industry practitioner is an unwanted pollutant on financial discussion boards - the above quoted sums up the attitude and quality of contribution on sites such as trade2win.
When I needed a new clearing firm, this acquaintance took my call, listened to my requirements, explained a few little known things about the exchange membership and clearing process which were helpful, and offered to introduce me to a C-level exec at a major clearing firm which would be able to meet my requirements. Why? Because he is helpful and I was polite, sincere, respectful, genuine, diligent...and most importantly didn't act like a complete ass.
There is lots of information available, and if you're decent you might be able to get an overview from one of the many folks in this industry who are generous enough to give a sincere aspirant a helping hand.
If you can get an introduction. And that is the worst part about the negative attitudes here: everybody loses as the serious professionals have every disincentive to participate, even when they are naturally predisposed to helping others. Building relationships is key in this as well as other businesses. At a certain level,you will need your clearing firm, exchange and perhaps even regulator to look favourably on what you are doing.
We have this great opportunity, unprecedented, to publish information and help others through sharing knowledge...and we turn it into an entertainment device, and a sandpit to vent the worst parts of our character...greed, jealousy, closed mindedness, anger...I've used it to connect with experts who could teach me what I wanted to learn...
you guys have piss3ed on the experts and therefore poisoned the well for those who come later.
When you abuse contributors, or provide closed mindedness, jealousy, and negative vibes, you alienate yourselves from anyone who is or could be successful. This behaviour isn't logical, so I presume it is a latent tendency brought out by the anonymous nature of Internet discussion sites.
Something to think about as DaxDayTrader30 joins the legion of intelligent, thoughtful, serious contributors to quit trade2win due to the prevailing standards of behavior. The fact that these points aren't required reading for all members, along with a strict code of conduct enforced by immediate bans, is all the evidence I and others need to see that this site is a product for advertisers, not a trading community. The policy of the owner drives traffic and generates revenue, but makes a sterile and useless environment for traders or aspiring traders.