(AMC) Technicals, Fundamentals, Short/Mid/Long Term indicators looking good:

Health Master

Junior member
(AMC), 10 day Moving averages, pointing higher, price to cash & price to sales ratio’s look attractive. Catalyst: Covid color coding improving to allow many theatre’s to re-open. Short term, Mid-term, Long-term Bullish:


(AMC), Evidence that the movie cinema experience is good for the nation's mental health (and your health also). REGULAR CINEMA TRIPS COULD HELP GUARD AGAINST DEPRESSION IN OLD AGE: Cultural engagement and incident depression in older adults: evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Source: https://www.cambridge.org/core/jour...dy-of-ageing/F25368CA79340C430B046A1DDDDC05B6

Happy days are here again​

The movie theater operator said it raised $917 million through a combination of equity and debt. On the equity side, AMC secured $506 million by issuing 164.7 million new shares along with the previously announced $100 million of additional first-lien debt and converting $100 million of second-lien debt into equity.

It raised an additional $411 million by executing commitment letters of new debt through the middle of 2023 by upsizing and refinancing its European revolving credit facility.

The theater chain said the push to vaccinate the general public makes an increase in theater attendance likely.

(AMC) is open in many locations, close to opening the remaining states like California, once Daily new Covid cases drops to 7 per 100k (currently at 10 new cases per 100k, down 90% from Avg. 100+ cases), then the remaining theaters will open. Can buy extended hrs, or in the morning. Good to buy now while there is uncertainty, once the remaining theaters open, you’ll pay a higher price for a cheerful consensus. Can buy in Extended market or Premarket.