Hi martscan, welcome to the warm friendly world of T2W
The quickest way to highlight a post you think is rude and abusive or just generally not in the spirit of the
site guidelines is to report it by means of the red flag. The moderators see the report and can than deal with the situation as required.
The posts you are concerned about have already been deleted.
If you don't want to view a members posts or threads you can effectively block a members posts by means of the ignore function, which can be found in your UserCP.
click on UserCP up at the top left, click on Edit Ignore List and enter the user name of the member you would like to ignore.
One word of advise, if I may, as you are new here, don't steam in to threads as you did, shouting the odds a little, as it can be lead to a bun fight, well actually, very small skirmish in that instance