Abletrend with Esignal


Hi Friends,

Is anyone using Abletrend software here ? (AbleSys Trading System and Trading Software - Welcome). I subscribed to their one month trial. Its designed to work with Esignal. I have got a problem here. The software gets connected to Esignal but real time updation of charts doesnt happen for smaller timeframe charts.

If I load 60 min charts, it updates perfectly in real time. But 5min, 3min charts dont update.

I would like to have comments on this from someone who is already using this software or knows this subject. I am not able to figure out the problem. Even Ablesys people say that its a strange problem and they dont have a solution. I am from India and trade the Indian markets.

Please help me out
Why don't you just call them? They give 4 30-min training sessions during the trial and unlimited technical support on any issues. I had trial with them and they were very supportive.

Hi Friends,

Is anyone using Abletrend software here ? (AbleSys Trading System and Trading Software - Welcome). I subscribed to their one month trial. Its designed to work with Esignal. I have got a problem here. The software gets connected to Esignal but real time updation of charts doesnt happen for smaller timeframe charts.

If I load 60 min charts, it updates perfectly in real time. But 5min, 3min charts dont update.

I would like to have comments on this from someone who is already using this software or knows this subject. I am not able to figure out the problem. Even Ablesys people say that its a strange problem and they dont have a solution. I am from India and trade the Indian markets.

Please help me out
Yes, I am in continous touch with them. No doubt they are very supportive and courteous. But even they are not able to figure out the solution. They say that the problem can be country specific. Previously they had few clients from India, who had the same problem.

But I dont think so, because all other TA softwares and data feeds work perfectly in India. I myself use Metastock, Advanced GET, Ninjatrader with Esignal without any problem.

Actually its very strange. If 60 min charts can update real time, then why not lesser time frames ?

I sincerely request any software, programming experts on this forum to throw some light on this issue... thnx

Please, is it possible to have a review of this system ( i mean Ablesys).I saw a lot of reviews on internet but they look like fakes reviews.
I wonder if it is useless or useful, maybe another scam.
Also i saw their daily webinar, totally useless (the guy start by showing a pic of his family but without the dog lol) and he show a statement where he can make 150.000€ with 3000€ within 6 months with the GBP/USD (cable)Oo.What kind of trader is it, i wonder why this guy is still working for a boss lol.
Also of course i saw some beautiful charts, as usual in this case, never a loss lol.
Anyway i will not give a try to this stuff without a real review.
If you want to talk about this system, I'm available.
Finally please forgive my bad English, I do not practice English usually.Thank you.