A thread for BeginnerJoe!!


Hey all,

I've been reading on babypips and elsewhere as well as here to try and learn.

I have noticed there are some very protective T2W members who like to sniff out a scammer or potential bad advice!

BeginnerJoe, I know you for one are very vigilant 😀 and I appreciate your intentions (no sarcasm included!)

Anyway, I was staggered to find this thread on babypips, which gives a 'system' for trading forex in just 4 very very short lines. And almost instantly has people following it!! Incredible!

well shucks its a magic formula for making moolah folks

I didnt read past the first two pages, but this is mental! I still can't quite believe it...

Just reading the original post again.

"Been back tested."

All aboard then!!?????!!111

zomg back testing is like the ultimate test of a system

get with the times, 'tis all about OPTIMIZATION

lol silly silly people and their belief in mathematically optimal trading algorithms all finance is subjective... without exceptions

however i will add a caveat to that: the study of mathematically optimal trading strategies is fascinating and should not be discouraged, new maths principles are borne from it. just the investing with them should be discouraged lols