A good no time limit Demo Account?


Experienced member
Can you recommend a good, no time limit Demo Account?


I have a friend that dabbled in spread betting 7 years ago. He has not thought about it for 7 years now and he openly says he had no clue and just fancied a gamble. He used IG.

In the last year he has thought about it again, but this time he would like to trade. He has been reading all the right books and is taking an FX course.

I would like to be able to suggest a demo account for him.

Can anyone recommend a demo account, with no time limit, so he does not feel pressured into trading before he is ready?

Also I think he will probably use IG again, so if there is one with similar charting and platform that would be good.


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Re: Can you recommend a good, no time limit Demo Account?

Hi Jason

I've just been on the new CMC trading platform demo, and it has unlmited access. It's really easy to navigate around as well. It has some great features. So I would definitely give it a go. The best I've been on yet

I hope this helps
Dealing Desk has a no-time-limit demo account.

Nice easy platform too.

Charts are delayed though so you would need to open a real account too to use real time charts.

No need to fund the real account.