A bit of advice needed


Junior member
Im a 17 year old lad looking to one day hopefully become a day trader. I am educated up to GCSE Standard. What is the best way to break into the industry im not looking to go to university and as i wish to become a day trader not a stock broker i do not think i really need to. I'e looked at several roles as traders assistant and im planning to apply for them. Apart from that is there any other way or anything that would be of advantage ?
Ive read quite a few posts on the SII Exams, would these be worthwhile to show "dedication" as some people put it.
i forgot to add experience wise in the stockmarket i have quite a bit as my mother is a day trader from home and has taught me quite a bit.
Anyhelp would be very greatfully accepted.
Teen trader, good luck in the future. You are only young, have you ever heard the phrase...."...it's not what you know, it's who you know...". That's what you are up against matey.
I'm a young trader, 23 now. I was interested in trading since your age. It's harder than what most think. I'd learn from your mum first, and take your time. I went on Alan rich's 1 day course and that helped me. Each to their own though. Whatever route you choose I would say self dicipline is important.
thanks to both of you for your advice. Im taking as much information in from my mum as i can but im hoping to get a job as a traders assistant it just seems so hard to get right now.