Simply look at the patterns.
I cant tell you the patterns.
You lot need to reserch.
Bottum in house prices ? i wish .....
Hoggs is again from my point of view is spoton the $$£££.
Work a fibbinachi low to highs on property together with a sliding time sacle fibbinachi. then the answer is in the maths .....
Invest in property ???
Yes Im currently diversing the bisiness in to the buy at low ( 20% BMV ) and have a business plan hat in when all is paid the portfolio if I purchased one every month for 12 months and do no more purchase's in ten years I would have £777,000 in equity from buying properties at a retail value of 150K with a purchae price of 112K. Figures are avalible if any one is intrested in joining in . This is equivaant to a 100% gain in the purcase price.
Rememer this is a Ten year Plan with no money down
yes no mistake no money down business plan .
If your ready for more info message pvt message me.