3 min chart help please


Active member
I am going to follow a 3 min chart next week as the 1 min is so volitile. My only concern my price data comes from D4F when I get my signal on a 3 min chart the data has moved on a good few points one way or another so e.g the chart signals out at 9700 but by then the price is 9685?? Any help welcome



You really need to have an independant data and charting source to that of D4F. I have spoken to colleagues who have questioned D4F for not honouring a trade and they invariably win their case if they can show that the market traded a particular way but only if they have independant evidence of it. If you use their data you are at their mercy.

There are a number of options that would satisfy this.

Try this as a suggestion. I used to use this when I had D4Free. I used Sierra /Mytrack for the "real" price , TA formations and decisions on the DOW. I then cross correlated that to the D4F chart ( appalling) as a second check. Almost always, their support/resistance values were 5- 10 off the Sierra charts so I would then run my trade to their values, having made the decision with Sierra.
I use sierra & my track, but like you say the D4F charts are awful, on the i min the difference is not too bad but I expect on the 3 min it will be way off I have to experiment .
CM Who do you use now for price if not D4F?



I know the Dow is the most popular market for spread betters but it is also one of the worst to trade with deal4free. I much prefer the Euro/USD as it has a 4 point spread, less bias, no opening gaps and is open for longer hours.

It took me a few years to realise this as the Dow has such a large following and it is hard not to join the crowd. There are also good free charts like this one:-

Hi BB,
Where are you getting a 4 point spread?
On D4F, REfco, Fxcm it's 5.
Hold on, I think I've just answered my own question.
Are you using D4F currency arm instead of the sb arm?
On another note, didn't you say on another thread that you used to work for Refco? One or two things about their platform I'm not too happy about, so in the meantime still looking for a good platform.
Hi Options,

It wasn't me that used to work for Refco. Deal4free spreadbet has a 4point spread on the euro/usd whenever I have used them. Perhaps it is wider at certain times?
Thanks BB.
Must be getting you confused with someone else.

Everytime I've used D4F it's been 5 spread, oh well
You are aware that they jerk about form the real price a la sb style?
I did post a comparision price screen shot a short while ago showing the difference. I think (though not sure) that it's on Newtron's thread.
Yes, there is some movement from the actual price but I find it a lot closer than when trading the Dow. I have only traded the €/$ around 8 to 9am, so I wonder if the prices might be better before the Dow opens?
Big Business

Have you noticed the Euro/Dollar charts seem to have a spurt of activity around 8am ish and during US open ?

I must look back over time to see if this is a regular occurrence. 😱
Hi Neil,

I have been looking at 8am for a few weeks and there is usually a nice move. Today is not a good example. I haven't looked at the US open time but it might be easier to trade than the Dow, so I will have a look.

How are you going to look back over time? Do you have intra-day data or charts?
ChartMan said:
I used Sierra /Mytrack for the "real" price , TA formations and decisions on the DOW.


Sorry to hijack this thread, but I'm looking for data / charting with a view to trading your strategy (many thanks btw - I won't forget you when I'm rich 😆 ). Do you still use Sierra / Mytrack? Is there anything else you'd recommend to start, maybe a cheaper option 'til I get going?

I can probably manage the charts myself if I can get reliable data where I could also fill 'holes' where missed. If my understanding of EMA is correct I would need a large history?
To be fair ive not done a trade that early for a while lol
What i have tended to do lately is to check the prices about 7-730am decided on a quick plan place orders and alerts and go back to bed with a text message to alert me if anything has happened or needs doing

Sierra Chart and a mytrack data feed is one of the cheapest options around IMO there are a few alternatives and if you go to the "reviews" section on the navigation bar above you can reed all about the various providers
Remember that if you get SC through T2W you will get a discount

Thanks for that Newtron Bomb, and apologies, I also meant to thank you for all your hard work putting together CM's work.

I had looked at the reviews, but wanted to make sure that what I get is suitable for the strategy. If what I've learned is correct, I could manage with Sierra and a feed from IB to start, adding MyTrack if needed later? Do you / anyone know if Sierra will calculate a correct 100EMA from IB data, or does it need a feed with historical prices?

I must admit, I'm not sure if the 100EMA needs to be minutes, hours or what?

Sorry if I'm being dumb 🙄