123LearnToTrade's Trade2Win Journal

OK - so there's no evidence you can trade. Only those that have signed up to 'private coaching' are allowed to see live calls & that's because "a lot of people treat real time calls the wrong way" and of course not because "I can't trade anyway". Come on - pull the other one, it's got bells on it.

As for account records - we know why you can't show them. The same reason most vendors can't - you don't make any money trading. Hence the business.

If you don't even allow basic due diligence regarding your abilities as a trader, then you are nothing more than another shark swimming in already infested waters.
OK - so there's no evidence you can trade. Only those that have signed up to 'private coaching' are allowed to see live calls & that's because "a lot of people treat real time calls the wrong way" and of course not because "I can't trade anyway". Come on - pull the other one, it's got bells on it.

As for account records - we know why you can't show them. The same reason most vendors can't - you don't make any money trading. Hence the business.

If you don't even allow basic due diligence regarding your abilities as a trader, then you are nothing more than another shark swimming in already infested waters.

I respect your opinion and while I disagree with your viewpoint I will leave it at that as I have gotten in plenty of discussions with members of forums that go on forever and really go no where (which is a positive and negative of forums). Best of luck with your own trading.
Brendan - you are a scammer - that is why you are all over the web defending yourself against the fact you offer nothing that isn't already available on the forums (most of which will not make anyone any money anyway).

People like you are unable to prove you can trade. You could do it, it would cost you very little money, it would take very little time.

The problem is - you can't do is because you can't trade. Hence, you turned to teaching to make up for what you lost trading.

If you ever need help on how to really identify and capitalise on short term moves, I'd be more than happy to show you - on the condition you shut down your teaching business, of course.
Brendan - you are a scammer - that is why you are all over the web defending yourself against the fact you offer nothing that isn't already available on the forums (most of which will not make anyone any money anyway).

People like you are unable to prove you can trade. You could do it, it would cost you very little money, it would take very little time.

The problem is - you can't do is because you can't trade. Hence, you turned to teaching to make up for what you lost trading.

If you ever need help on how to really identify and capitalise on short term moves, I'd be more than happy to show you - on the condition you shut down your teaching business, of course.

Again my goal is to help people with their trading which I don't have any need to defend-- I know who my clients are and they are always made happy one way or another--to date I have never had a single issue with this.

I will be the first to admit that if you search hard enough on the web you will eventually come across a lot of the things that I talk about on my website. That is true about anything on the internet if you look hard enough. And I will also agree with you that most of the information on the web about trading is either false or not helpful in the first place.

I think rather than approaching this with such a negative attitude and automatically assuming for whatever reason that I am a "scammer" it would be more productive to ask me about my methods so not only will you become more informed but maybe we can help inform others on T2W. For all you know we might have a similar method but you don't seem to be here to discuss trading but rather to attack me.

My number one objective in this is to help others not to make a quick buck--my products/services are priced way less than other sites. I provide superior customer service. I actually offer support unlike rip off scam websites. I post things in my blog and on other sites, whether or not you find them useful is up to you but I know dozens of traders who do find them helpful. Again I understand everyone has an opinion but I believe yours is unfounded and overly negative.
Cut the hot air Brendan.

Bring some evidence you can walk the walk. You've got a whole website of talking about it.

As for 'customer service' - what on earth has that got to do with some failed trader attempting to part newbies from their cash ?

Are we supposed to applaud you for providing good services whilst delivering useless products ?

You can either trade or you can't. If you can trade and run a teaching business, then you should be able to provide evidence you can trade.

We both know that you wont be able to do that. Instead, you will flap around the issue, trying to talk about your 'methods' aka - stuff that's been on the internet for years & that does not produce profitable traders.

I have nothing to sell and therefore nothing to prove. On the other hand, you are on here baiting newbies and making money from their ignorance. Some people on here will support you in that. I am not on of them.

So - why not - just straight up - prove you can trade ?
Cut the hot air Brendan.

So - why not - just straight up - prove you can trade ?

I'll work on finding a good way to prove this. In all honesty I'm not open to posting all my personal account records all over the internet, however I will look into other ways to prove track records (possibly use a website such as profit.ly with my trades). Websites that post "proof" of trades can just as easily bull**** their "performance" so I don't think this is any more reliable than me stating what my account performance is. I have considered funding a business trading account and making these trade statements publicly available, but as for my personal trading accounts I do keep those separate from business. If you have other suggestions and not attacks I would like to hear them.

I can tell you off hand that my best week trading was a 29% gain on 28k shares and worst week was a 7% loss on 23k shares (not that you are going to believe these stats without "proof"). My methods aren't very useful if you are looking for XXX% returns in a given month. They are more conservative methods that quite honestly do work and are well grounded in capital preservation. Not trying to blow anyone away with massive gains or anything here.

I used to post some live trading videos quite often I am considering starting this up again as well. Again I respect your opinion as I know there are a lot of scams out there and it is a natural reaction to people who you don't personally know their strategies. I think "proving that you can trade" is something different for everyone. There are people who will believe it just based on you saying it, there are others who want to see a few trading videos, while there are some that won't settle for anything less than detailed account records. And even with all of the above, there are those that still are skeptical no matter what "proof" you provide. Quite honestly I don't have the need to prove myself to anyone---those that check out my course or coaching are happy with what they receive and at the end of the day that is what matters to me.
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Proof of returns is simple.

Your broker can provide them & your lawyer can certify them. Use of an accredited broker and lawyer will prevent you from fraudulently producing these documents as any accredited lawyer or broker would be all over you if you used their details fraudulently.

The argument that such things can be faked, is another excuse by scammers as to why they don't provide such evidence.

Any trade mentor/teacher that could provide such documentation would have a huge advantage over one that couldn't.

At the end of the day, it's not done because these people can't trade.
Thanks for your idea on that and as promised I will consider funding a business trading account and look into getting it certified by an accountant/attorney for public consumption.
lol !

Yes - it's time to move off your SIM account & open a real one so you can show your results.

Of course, I can't wait to hear your ramblings about this 'special' type of account you currently have that cannot be used to show your annual returns on your trades.
lol !

Yes - it's time to move off your SIM account & open a real one so you can show your results.

Of course, I can't wait to hear your ramblings about this 'special' type of account you currently have that cannot be used to show your annual returns on your trades.

hehehe :clap::clap::clap::clap:

It's hilarious how "they" cant post any trading records. I could do it within 5 minutes! [And have done!]