Recent content by tomtomboombang

  1. T

    Re - where is the grail?

    I hear ya Johnny... Just don't worry about it and go get some exercise at the gym. You will be better off... Sitting and trading 16 hours a day has about killed me before my time. I have become very smart, and very sick at the same time. You could describe me as Heart Sick. For one...
  2. T

    Adjusting the lochner prevaricator:

    Spelunking through tlochner's ewave <img src=> It might be interesting for you to know: On one of the large index message boards in the US, we determined that todays downside traders (calling themselves Bears) are using FA (fundamental...
  3. T

    Adjusting the lochner prevaricator:

    "In October 2002, my comments regarding stock indices were strongly criticized by some of my colleagues. The problem was that the wave scenarios for different indices suggested conflicting projections. Indeed, the wave count for the NASDAQ 100 implied that the price would surge towards 1100...
  4. T

    Dow - S&P - Nasdaq relative performance

    here's one you can play with
  5. T

    qqq Nasdaq 100 Trust

    Nasdaq comp Here's where the german traders think the Compx will close Friday Mit dem DownGap ist im Tageschart mit dem Freitag ein bearisches Inselgap im kurzfristigen Zeitfenster entstanden, dieses dürfte kurzfristig für deutliche Abtrieb sorgen daher tippe ich dieses mal sehr sehr bearisch...
  6. T

    qqq Nasdaq 100 Trust

    Technically this looks like a sell as long as the market remains below the major Gann level of 1048.43. If the market continues down the major Gann support of 994.80 (25.00%) or the minor Fibonacci level of 991.79 (23.60%) could well be tested soon.The correspodance of the Gann and Fibonacci...
  7. T

    10 FTSE100 most trade-able shares

    J...mind if I get my feet wet right away? There is a lot to be said about trading a tracking stock for the whole index, rather than juggling a few singles. But if you must; then run a pre-defined screen to gather your candidates... Any internet search engine will lead you to a website that...