Recent content by Sirlosealot

  1. S

    LIVE intra-day trading with Grey1 July 9th ( Third Leg)

    I've been away since the seminar hence a rather belated huge thank you to Iraj for yet another excellent and informative seminar and to Paul for recording it. Cheers Gerard
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    LIVE intra day trading with Grey1 ( second leg)

    Hopefully I'll be there as well. Many thanks Iraj
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    Role of Lvl2 in Grey1's Strategy

    Hi Glen A couple of years ago I researched level 2 and drew a definite blank - for me anyway. I’m not sure how research you’ve done on Level 2 but if its not much, this might help. On the other hand, I’m no expert and if anyone thinks I’m talking rubbish fell free to correct me. These are...
  4. S

    Fourier Transform (How to design more adaptive indicators )

    Paul & MarkB Thanks for the replies. I've just received my march Tech Analysis of Stocks & Comm and notice that eSignal have uploaded versions at: The efs files are named "ChRSpectrum.efs" and "DCTunedBypassFilter.efs". eSignal say "Both studies...
  5. S


    Paul Also received my disc today - complete with htm file showing the trades! Many thanks. Apologies for misinterpreting your original message. Cheers Gerard
  6. S

    Fourier Transform (How to design more adaptive indicators )

    I've tried loading the "EasyLanguage Code to Display the Spectrum Derived from a Filter Bank" into my Tradestation 2000i but get errors when I try to verify it. It does not recognise "RGB" in the "Plot" statements and does not recognise "Plot" statements greater than "Plot4". I am kind of...
  7. S


    Iraj, Frank and Paul Could I also add my appreciation to you guys for all you did on Friday. It was a truly informative day and, for me anyway, really inspirational. Many thanks!! Cheers Gerard PS Paul - have you posted the link where you've posted the details of the trades?
  8. S

    Help wanted

    Have you tried running the eSignal Diagnostic Tool just in case it picks up anything. This should alert you to any Port problems and the info returned may give eSignal support some clues when you ring them. However, it sounds as if others are having the same problems and that the problem...
  9. S


    Iraj I'd very much like to join the seminar tomorrow if there's still room. Paul Are you still planning on doing the DVD - if so I would be very interested in buying a copy. Many thanks to both of you for all the great help you provide. Its so appreciated by all of us. Best regards Gerard
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    First of all I'd like to add my thanks to Iraj and Frank for running and organising the webinar. Paul - if you dont manage to sort out the mp3 file, I've got a version I did on a programme called Audacity. Unfortunately I had problems at the start and got serious feedback such that it was...
  11. S

    Excel =VLOOKUP

    This seems to be a Bill Gates special designed to try and get ordinary mortals to waste their time and show us who really rules the universe. If you edit cell D6 in your spreadsheet by adding a 1 on at the end to make the equation read "=D5+0.0051" instead of "=D5+0.005" all is revealed once it...
  12. S

    Excel =VLOOKUP

    Grant. This may not be not what you're wanting exactly and sorry if it isnt. To simplify the equations in row H I've named the time and volume columns "Time" and "Vol". Also as in swandros solution I've used "array" equations It returns an error message if there are no time values and you...
  13. S

    Displaying Bars in Metastock 8

    Have you tried: File/Open/Options/Load Options and altering the number of periods that are loaded. Cheers Gerard
  14. S

    Why do so few succeed?

    DB Do you happen to know where this statistic comes from. Some time ago I read Odean's study where, from memory, he comes up with 20% of daytraders make money but I'd be interested in having a look at a study that puts the figure at 40-45% (depending on how the study defines failure!!) Cheers...
  15. S

    Most liquid NASDAQ stocks

    For market capitalisation: Cheers Gerard