Recent content by One Eyed Shark

  1. O

    The Sunday Sun

    "The Sunday Sun" already exists and has been serving Newcastle Upon Tyne for decades. Am sure "The Sun on Sunday" will appear very soon, and if I was a shareholder of News International would be expecting that hole created by lost advertising revenue be replaced asap. Though don't have a view...
  2. O

    Does breakout trading still work?

    When I say breakouts are 50/50 I am talking about placing a buy / sell order above and below the range and waiting for one to trigger and using the other as your stop. If you trade either the first pullback after the breakout , or the breakout fails and you trade the failure then you are...
  3. O

    Does breakout trading still work?

    Breakouts are no more than a 50/50 trade in any market , got to be taken in context , dont know what you are looking at but would suggest you lose the fibs and pivots , s/r is good and flags too. So if you do want to trade breakouts , either trade the first pullback or trade the failure.
  4. O

    1-2-3-Formations and Ross Hooks

    Along with this method check out "trading bar by bar" by Al Brooks, takes price action trading to a different level than Ross
  5. O - any experience with them ?

    Was with Velocity until end 2007 and could only have good things to say about them. However..... at that time they had all of their segregrated funds invested ( and I think this is correct but stand to be corrected ) with Sentinel who went to the wall, it transpired that segregated funds were...
  6. O

    123 Formations

    This is useful as a starting point, need to sign up for the free law of charts, must point out though it is very basic, some people look on a 123 for a reversal and others as a continuation aka ABC, but if you are starting to look at price action to determine entry and exit you are on the right...
  7. O

    Broker for Eurostoxx Future

    Also worth trying mirus futures with a ninjatrader demo account, all free and data is rt
  8. O

    Best Thread Bund Bobl and Schatz Thread

    You had BOE @ 12.00 GMT and EU Int Rate @ 12.45 GMT. If you are talking about the big spike up, it was BOE cutting by 1.5% against the .5% expected. The 2 awful days at the start of the week have been made up by 2 fantastic days, cant understand why anyone would want to trade stock index...
  9. O

    Best Thread Bund Bobl and Schatz Thread

    Dont think the cash injections are making the difference between the bund/bobl. Just been a plain boring 2 days, both been hard work and think come tomorrow we should be back to normal. Very light on ticks profit per contract on Bobl, the range was nice but it was just too slow and took...
  10. O

    Only trade in direction of the day?

    Impossible to come up with a simple set of rules regarding positioning. I will often take lots of short trades in a strong up trend and vice versa. It depends on your timescales, and whether you have the mentality of a trader or an investor. For many traders time is irrelevant, so if you have...
  11. O

    Only trade in direction of the day?

    Hope my comments dont complicate the issue for you, but the chart and the things you point out create a few issues. 1. You should always know where the 50% ret lies for every swing you are looking at, so if we are up 6% and back down 3% you are sitting on a 50, you could base a trading system...
  12. O

    do people really make a living from SB?

    You face a few issues trying to be profitable using a SB. Mainly you are not just trading against the market you are trading against the bookie too. But to be fair if you have just started trading over the past couple of months you would have to be bloody good to get off to a profitable start...
  13. O

    Price Action

    Need to check out work by Bryce Gilmore. Think his website is though could be wrong, just tried to check it and it is down at the mo. Try and get hold of his price action journals, 2nd to none
  14. O

    Fibonacci Clusters!? Any clues?!

    Try doing a web search on Carolyn Boroden. I know she has done a lot of work on fib clusters, but cant comment on the quality of it. Good Luck
  15. O


    only problem working for a tick on the dax is the spread often pushes out to 3 ticks, if you are only working for 1, then it makes the job a fair bit harder. Plenty of markets with tighter spreads and the liquidity to work for a tick with decent volatility, bobl, bund, eur/$ etc all allow to...