Recent content by jong52yuara

  1. J

    Successful FX and Futures Traders Wanted - Hedge Fund Capital

    unless DepthTrade is controlling the computers in federal reserve bank, i'll probably believe him :p
  2. J

    Managed Accounts

    i do know there are some private trader handling other's money, they do make money. do your research properly you probably will find there are also hedge fund company solely trading fx only.
  3. J

    no luck in getting job now

    ... im also looking for job as trader too, anyone interested pls check out my profile for more info :-)
  4. J

    Career advice needed!

    maybe u should show us or the employer trading result
  5. J

    Mentor in Billericay

    Hi, i sent to you a msg
  6. J

    Looking for partner (AUSTRALIA)

    Im seeking anyone in australia which holds company financial license/pooled fund license. I have several other melbourne based trader are interested to get involved with fund management or trading project if you hold a valid financial license. or anyone which is fx trader and planning to setup...
  7. J

    Successful FX and Futures Traders Wanted - Hedge Fund Capital

    Hi, are you still looking for trader, please let me know your email. i will send appropiate resume and trading result. Thank you.
  8. J

    Help needed on this one

    normally the broker company allows their customer to trade other people's account. before that you need to sign a power of attorney and some paperwork with your client.
  9. J

    What possibilties do I have.....?

    never blame the situation, but it is our own fault & lack of knowledge to get there
  10. J

    What possibilties do I have.....?

    if you cant trade by yourself, try managed account.
  11. J

    Demo Forex trading

    there are tons of broker choice available at
  12. J

    Boiler Room Scams

    oh.. this is a good idea.. they will get annoyed! :cool:
  13. J

    Boiler Room Scams

    in fact, you suppose to tell them youre interested with their investment and willing to invest 50 million? before that, you would like to meet their managing director or CEO? see what they can tell you? :p if they are willing to meet you in real life or some place, then report this to your...
  14. J

    Full Time Forex Traders

    the most important aspect in making money from forex is patience and disclipine. if you have enough capital & patience sure you can become full time trader.
  15. J


    yes, i mean personal active investor / trader