Recent content by inkosis

  1. I

    FOR SALE: Track 'n Trade Pro

    Nothing, actually it's quite good, but i'm buying options on stock not futures.
  2. I

    Help Forex Trading System, Prosignal, etc

    Hi With forex tading, can one lose more then they are trading with. i.e. can there be a margin call as with futures. Thanks Sammy
  3. I

    what is CDO - Collateralized Debt Obligations and how are they traded?

    Hello all Need your help understanding what this. My brother's friend has a fund which does the below. It makes absolutly not sense to me, and i was hoping someone to tell me exactly what this is. From what's i've read it seems that basically they are selling coporate debt i.e. bonds am i...
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    Help Forex Trading System, Prosignal, etc

    Hi martin, I tried to search for prosignal, on elitetrader, It didn't come up with anything useful i.e. reviews. Somehow the world of spammers has found out that I intrested in learning to trade or trading. I'm suddenly being killed with emails trying to sell me the "perfect trading system"...
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    Help Forex Trading System, Prosignal, etc

    Hello Guys, Sorry for the delayed response. Once again been speading my hard earned money, on reading everything i can get my hand onto, I think my heads going to explode :!: , but i'd rather spead it then loss it :lol: There's some good ebooks & stuff at...
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    Help Forex Trading System, Prosignal, etc

    Thanx mate Sam
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    Help Forex Trading System, Prosignal, etc

    Hi I revieved an email a couple of days back and wanted every ones opinion on the product. Its for a product called Prosignal - a forex trading system. Has any one heard of it, used it. In case you haven't heard of it or don't know what i'm talking about this is the link Forex Trading System...
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    Options Software Requirements

    Excellent, thanks. Been doing some research of my own and found a couple of software that might be useful. I can't really evaluate them since i don't have the expertise yet. But i would be intrested in your comments. I put up links to them, on monday, when i back in the office. sam
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    FOR SALE: Track 'n Trade Pro

    Hi I'm looking to sell my Track 'n Trade Pro Software with ALL plugins I bought it in Feb/March, but i'm getting into Options, and I'd like to spend this money on buy Options software package, not sure which one yet? Here are the features: Technical Analysis Tools Track 'n Trade Pro 4.0...
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    Tradestation 8 & Tradestation 2000i

    Tradastation 2000i Hi JonnyT Thanks for you help on that Is the Tradestation 2000i an old product or is it still support and upgraded? Do you know if it suitable for options? Thanks Sam
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    Options Software Requirements

    Hi all, I'm new to options trading, and am currently using IB for my trading. Just wondering if there is any particualr options charting/trading software that is recommend. I've got track n trade but thats mainly for futures,. I've seen tradestation 2000i, esignal, & metastock mentioned alot...
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    Omega Supercharts

    Hi What is the omega supercharts? Let me know, i might be intrested in it? Sam
  13. I

    Tradestation 8 & Tradestation 2000i

    Hello everyone, I'm a bit confused what is the differenc between: Tradestation 8 & Tradestation 2000i are they by the same company? I looking to buy some software for my options trading, and am trying to decide from esignal, metastock or tradestation, any help would be greatly appreciated...