Recent content by forker

  1. F

    9 Net winning trades, the road to being a Pro Trader?

    you really are a stupid moron. Sick to death of people like you who. Done with this place it's full of retards
  2. F

    9 Net winning trades, the road to being a Pro Trader?

    Might I suggest you replace the N in your name to D
  3. F

    9 Net winning trades, the road to being a Pro Trader?

    I'll start writing in pink to keep in tune with your b!tching like a little girl.
  4. F

    9 Net winning trades, the road to being a Pro Trader?

    I see your point and it relates to everyone else's standpoint on this. I don't trade like anyone here (well 99.9% of you at least). You look at that scenario and you see a risk that is greater than the reward, and in relevance to the way 99.9% of you trade, it stands out as a problem. In this...
  5. F

    9 Net winning trades, the road to being a Pro Trader?

    It's definitely full of negativity
  6. F

    9 Net winning trades, the road to being a Pro Trader?

    To say that there is this 30% commission is smoke and mirrors. A commission is something that is taken into account over and above a value. So if there was a commission it would be 100% + 30% which isn't the case. When you win you don't win 100% minus 30% commission because the profit is coming...
  7. F

    9 Net winning trades, the road to being a Pro Trader?

    Where exactly is that cost of business (30% commission) coming from? they are the same as a spread better so there is no actual market access. I place a trade if i win i get my stake back plus a %. So please elaborate where is this 30% commission coming from because it isn't coming from my account?
  8. F

    Brexit and the Consequences

    another quote from this guy "Economic globalisation has political, cultural and demographic consequences that dissolve national borders, whether ancient or recent, along with local peculiarities and traditions. As the world becomes richer it becomes both more homogeneous and more difficult to...
  9. F

    9 Net winning trades, the road to being a Pro Trader?

    just think of it as money you never had anyway.
  10. F

    Brexit and the Consequences

    i suspect the sturgenator is choking on her own tongue at this very moment
  11. F

    9 Net winning trades, the road to being a Pro Trader?

    6 to go... how you feeling
  12. F

    9 Net winning trades, the road to being a Pro Trader?

    still investigating on how it is going to potentially work. Will probably have a week or 2 checking how the payback ratios change during news events and also if the platform is stable. will report back on my findings
  13. F

    9 Net winning trades, the road to being a Pro Trader?

    From the broker website: "Our company does not take any commissions on your transactions" i have attached a test trade i did yesterday so i suggest you perhaps ask or lookup the broker next time instead of assuming! I responded to your post stating it is binary options so i really don't know...
  14. F

    9 Net winning trades, the road to being a Pro Trader?

    This is an experiment and yes it is binary options (thanks for clarifying the obvious). Please stop assuming how I am going to do this because you really are just pulling at straws saying I am operating on the basis of a coin flip. I am new to this type of trading instrument but I do have 16...