Recent content by beam_me_up

  1. B

    The Most Annoying Thing?

    millsys - what should good old dsmodi be pulling?
  2. B

    Best Thread Joke of the day

  3. B


    Hello All, Just wondered if anyone has gone to a Tony Robbins seminar or read any of his books? If so, then you way be aware that one of the ways he mentions for being charitable is to go to someones house that may not have the means to buy for themselves and anonymously leave than some food...
  4. B

    Tom Hougaard

    This guy has made a couple of phenomenal calls in the last 18 months that I know of... e.g. a top last year. And some others but on the whole, particularly in the last few months, all he's been calling for is a top and a crash.... He's been saying almost every day since august and it just ain't...
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    US Indices Intra-day Trading for August 2003

    hi there i'm one of the lurkers on this thread, but only reason i don't post is cos i don't have anything useful to say. but today, i want to ask a couple of questions, and i hope they get addressed.... 1) Whatever happened to the Bradley model - this was supposed to have ALWAYS worked; 2)...