Where do you get your daily trade ideas?

Although my system is quite stringent and many markers have to hit before I take a trade. I start with using the scanner on my esignal GET software - I scan US and UK markets on Daily and Weekly charts and look for one type of trade (end of Elliott wave 4 and beginning of wave 5) either long or short. This is just the first step as not all stocks that come up meet my strict criteria which involves 6 markers, all of which the software allows me to use studies and tools to quickly discount or add stocks to my daily or weekly watch-list. I have been using the software for a year now and can say that I am, in the last 3 months, gaining more and more confidence in my methods and the software..staying focused and heartless is the key and not deviating from the method, but continually improving your steps as you gain more experience. I am certainly considering going full time in the next year...And it all starts with the SCAN!! - which takes seconds to do then half an hour or so to weed out the possible from the NO WAY trades..

To stay abreast of all current market trends, I have to look through and analyze a lot of information. Actually it takes a lot of time because the market is full of events and I want to know everything at once. Over time, I realized that this is not very profitable because it is simply impossible and senseless to analyze absolutely all assets. Therefore, in my opinion, it is more appropriate at the beginning of the month to determine the events and assets that have the greatest potential for movement, and to focus on the data that is relevant to them. Then you will have enough time, because you have a limited set of assets. And you will also be prepared and active enough.
You took the word right out of my mouth. This is what I also do. I am sure there are many more traders who does that as well