What a Waste of Time

1. Use Firefox.

2. Install Do Not Track +. No more tracking, no more stupid and insulting advertisements running amok across the page.

3. Bliss.
Thanks for a very useful tip. Downloaded and installed. It's amazing though not surprising just how much tracking is going on. I can see me becoming a green dot junkie, spying on the spies.

Good spot Leopard.

The only downside is I’m not being targeted with willy enlargement ads any more.
On reflection, TBH, I think I come here out of habit more than for than for any other reason.

Like most of you I'm sure, if I found somewhere better to hang out in my net-trawling sessions I'd probably go there (and often do).

I have many diverse interests, but since I trade for a living, I tend to be attracted to a forum of peeps of common interest that I would otherwise probably have no interest in.

It is human nature once you're immersed in a common subject to diverse into other areas.

Thre great thing about the internet is that we are presented with almost infinate possibilities, we are limited only by our imaginations. :)

To refer back to my initial statement, habit is actually all that there is.
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I think unless theres a better street corner to stand ....this is it for me ....

I agree that something could be done by T2W perhaps to herd

Vendors into a Vendor area
Newbie contributors (90% vendors ?) into a newbie probation area

i'll look at elite traders and also mikes lab....

I think unless theres a better street corner to stand ....this is it for me ....

I agree that something could be done by T2W perhaps to herd

Vendors into a Vendor area
Newbie contributors (90% vendors ?) into a newbie probation area

i'll look at elite traders and also mikes lab....


Yes, vendors should be in their own area, I think FF have commercial sectors.
Yes, vendors should be in their own area, I think FF have commercial sectors.

The arguments that timsk put forward against adopting something similar is that it would be prejudicial to decent vendors who post and contribute. IIRC only 2 examples where cited (Mr Chars, and DT)

I'm not denying that both have contributed and played the game fairly, but it is an indication of just how far out of balance things have become. When the needs of 2 vendors are considered to be more important than the remaining quarter of a million members then perhaps something isn't right !

To be fair I cant remember if this was official t2w policy or Tim's personal opinion, but its equally worrying in either case :p
hi the hare,

If you look at the members lists, you will find that about 25,000 visited since Jan 2012.
The rest are probably just people who signed up, and didn't bother to return.
That "quarter of a million" is actually only about 25K.

When you look at hard-core members who return and post regularly, I reckon T2W has a membership where 2K is the upper limit.
And that's being generous.
The arguments that timsk put forward against adopting something similar is that it would be prejudicial to decent vendors who post and contribute. IIRC only 2 examples where cited (Mr Chars, and DT)

I'm not denying that both have contributed and played the game fairly, but it is an indication of just how far out of balance things have become. When the needs of 2 vendors are considered to be more important than the remaining quarter of a million members then perhaps something isn't right !

To be fair I cant remember if this was official t2w policy or Tim's personal opinion, but its equally worrying in either case :p

I don't think it was quite like that, hare. My personal view is that a vendor section is a viable option but it's not without knock-on problems. Firstly, the argument that you quote where a lot of good contributions would be missed on the "main" boards if you were to confine vendors to a vendor section. Secondly, we currently delete a hell of a lot of "vendoring" posts (most of which you never see since they are caught before hitting the boards) and the mind boggles at what things would look like if they were allowed in.
The arguments that timsk put forward against adopting something similar is that it would be prejudicial to decent vendors who post and contribute. IIRC only 2 examples where cited (Mr Chars, and DT)

I'm not denying that both have contributed and played the game fairly, but it is an indication of just how far out of balance things have become. When the needs of 2 vendors are considered to be more important than the remaining quarter of a million members then perhaps something isn't right !

To be fair I cant remember if this was official t2w policy or Tim's personal opinion, but its equally worrying in either case :p

I do not think discrimination applied fairly is separating, separating sometimes makes things clear, transparent, encouraging many others to get involved creating a community with different perception, which will in also be beneficial to t2w for reason of traffics and readership.

We also have to understand that t2w needs to make money to sustain such a community. For transparency issue is better for them to sell only advertising instead of advertorial.

But sometime the advertisers will push the publisher/forum to create editorial based on the money spent on advertising, they even pay more because they know that editorial works better than advertising.

The mods to me of this forum they seem ok, maybe we should find a common ground to be able to step forward and create a better environment. Surely only criticising will not take us anywhere.

As Tim mentioned, as an editor he finds difficult to get decent contents. I think he has a point there, and he is improvising with that little that he has got.
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but for me, it’s all rather gone off the boil, lost its momentum, lacks follow through, has fewer new threads that are of interest, no interest from most in any that do have a nuance of possible useful development inherent within them and it’s all become a bit like hard work. And when this starts to feel like hard work….what is the point?

Over the years I have participated less and it's really down to the fact that I don't get any benefit from this site. When I joined I was more eager to participate but it becomes repetitive after a while. I don't think it's a case of the site going downhill, it's more a likely a case of you finding there is nothing to gain apart from passing time.
I don't think it was quite like that, hare. My personal view is that a vendor section is a viable option but it's not without knock-on problems. Firstly, the argument that you quote where a lot of good contributions would be missed on the "main" boards if you were to confine vendors to a vendor section. Secondly, we currently delete a hell of a lot of "vendoring" posts (most of which you never see since they are caught before hitting the boards) and the mind boggles at what things would look like if they were allowed in.

hey there

understood....but a vendor should be allowed to post anywhere as long as its more generic advice and support

my point is that if Vendors are selling give them an area to sell and comment etc ...at least its all transparent then and you can delete any Vendor based advertising posts automatically that "stray" into general discussions or simply reload them back onto the vendors threads

I still also think newbies should have a probationary posting period contained in the beginners area and stop the dumbass questions posted in the mainstream areas .......also most of these are vendor based advertising anyway so they dont get the oxygen they seek so easily .......do some analysis on your sub 20 posts based profiles and i'm sure a lot were hidden Vendors ......

the more experienced people here then dont have to respond to the dumbass posts (now contained in the newbie area) unless they chose to.... leaving the mainstream areas less clogged with debris .....;)

I don't think it was quite like that, hare. My personal view is that a vendor section is a viable option but it's not without knock-on problems.

Of course, there will be problems, but solving them is part of the job, meaning going forward, problems arises every day, they just need to be dealt with.

Myself when I started posting in this forum I felt that I was kind been stalked (probably just my vivid imagination:eek:) by a particular person, just to find out later on that he was a vendor.
When you look at hard-core members who return and post regularly, I reckon T2W has a membership where 2K is the upper limit.
And that's being generous.

Discounting moderators, staff and multi nics, I could count regular contributors on my fingers and toes !

I was using the figure of a quarter of a million just to exaggerate for effect :LOL:
Traders Laboratory is dying of the same sickness as t2w, but they lack the resources to transform it into a parody of a trading site, which is what they need to do to survive a little longer.

I'm not an active member of "Big Mike's" but I am rather impressed by some of the content, and by some of the people posting over there. I think what differentiate them from their rather stale competitors is that the owner still actively participates, and genuinely seams to care about running a trading site, rather than running a repository for banner ads.

Hi do you have a link for "big mikes" site
Just google big mike's forum.

Thoroughly recommended. Lots of very serious trading-related discussions AND fully moderated.
I'm a member of Big Mikes and quite active over there....one of the reasons I'm not here is there is no chat box like BM has...people like to see something going on.
I've suggested it here but it was pretty much met with silence.

One thing is for sure...if they don't make some kind of change it will just get even slower here.
Just had a quick look at the other forums mentioned in this thread and they seem quite good. Might give them a go and keep to t2w for lulz as normal. Ha d quite a few people say to me recently that you can;t even have a decent conversation here anymore and I agree. I know I can be one of the more immature and lulzy posters but sometimes the p1ss is taken. Look how long that Mike Karashemwatsit was allowed to continue posting. That mofo should have been banned a long time ago. ODT was allowed to run rampant for months too. Why would anyone start a serious thread when people just come and derail it? Maybe restricting those types to their own forum like some sort of probation/jail area instead of restricting vendors is an idea. I hope I'm not one of them lol.