The londonforexrush


Active member
Anyone using this system?

I won't post a link to the website, as when I did that on another thread starter, an entire hayrig full of legendary members and moderators messaged me threatening to have me banned or gelded etc. However you could try googling and you may find it......

The reason I ask is that this system uses the very same strategy that I use for making my own living. Like me, it requires you to be at your desk by around 0630 and remain until around 10am.

Watch the video's and listen to the guy. Doesn't he sound lovely? If he was your uncle, hell, he'd sure be your favourite one....

I have absolutely no connection with the guy or the website. However, the system appears good value if it works and is based on a sound strategy. Perhaps a system collector somewhere would care to try it and post their experience here?
I've seen this system about. The screenshots in the demo's always look so simple! Can I ask which pairs you focus on?

I trade all the GBP crosses at the start of the London session. You can do the same at the start of the NY session with the USD crosses, but the London is best due to the massive volume.
Any chance that you could run through your personal methodolgy?

What kind of gains do you get daily / weekly?

why sell the golden goose ?

I trade all the GBP crosses at the start of the London session. You can do the same at the start of the NY session with the USD crosses, but the London is best due to the massive volume.

$97 to buy !!!
It gives a NO TRADE signal at least half the time.:rolleyes:

Essentially it measures volatility for a period preceding the opening of the London market and tries to predict breakouts. You could do the same thing with Bollinger bands and several other indicators.
I've tried this but you can't trade six GBP crosses like it says on the London Forex Rush website - only GBP/USD and GBP/JYP show a profit long-term. The other problem with his software is that the trend indicator is set up to only show a trend after more than ten hours. The kind of trend that works with this method is much shorter than that. Consequently, it misses many trades and advises bad trades on maybe the AUD/GBP with its huge spread and volatility with a necessarily huge stop loss.

The basic idea is fine but you can't follow the signals blindly. There is a guide on another website that comes to the same conclusion! Bottom line is that it's good for beginners so long as they modify it slightly...

I average about 100 pips a week profit, which is pretty good. But, I'd maybe make a loss if I followed the London Forex Rush software.
I've tried this but you can't trade six GBP crosses like it says on the London Forex Rush website - only GBP/USD and GBP/JYP show a profit long-term. The other problem with his software is that the trend indicator is set up to only show a trend after more than ten hours. The kind of trend that works with this method is much shorter than that. Consequently, it misses many trades and advises bad trades on maybe the AUD/GBP with its huge spread and volatility with a necessarily huge stop loss.

The basic idea is fine but you can't follow the signals blindly. There is a guide on another website that comes to the same conclusion! Bottom line is that it's good for beginners so long as they modify it slightly...

I average about 100 pips a week profit, which is pretty good. But, I'd maybe make a loss if I followed the London Forex Rush software.

100 Pips per week is more than enough to survive on!

Which strategy are you using?

I have just started to trade this system purely mechanically, using the aggressive stop loss and conservative target rules as preferred by the author.

Let me just say that it does not trade often. So far only 2 trades called in 2 weeks, 1 of them a loss the other did not reach entry point in time.

100 Pips per week is more than enough to survive on!

Which strategy are you using?


I'm using the strategy recommended at The Ultimate London Forex Rush Guide which is to only trade the GBP/USD and the GBP/JYP but visually overiding the given trend indicator which tends to be ineffective. It has far to much lag and will call a trade when the trend has finished (or reversed) and not call a trade when a trend is obviously in place.

This way, we get more good trades. Four in the last two weeks, all winners - compare that to the post above!
I'm using the strategy recommended at The Ultimate London Forex Rush Guide which is to only trade the GBP/USD and the GBP/JYP but visually overiding the given trend indicator which tends to be ineffective. It has far to much lag and will call a trade when the trend has finished (or reversed) and not call a trade when a trend is obviously in place.

This way, we get more good trades. Four in the last two weeks, all winners - compare that to the post above!

Any chance that you can send out your template? I'd be interested to see it in action.

I'm using the strategy recommended at The Ultimate London Forex Rush Guide which is to only trade the GBP/USD and the GBP/JYP but visually overiding the given trend indicator which tends to be ineffective. It has far to much lag and will call a trade when the trend has finished (or reversed) and not call a trade when a trend is obviously in place.

This way, we get more good trades. Four in the last two weeks, all winners - compare that to the post above!

When you say you had 4 trades in the last two weeks, do you mean the system actually called those trades as long/short, and then you just ignored the trend indicator? Using the standard template?

Or did you have to use that websites custom template to get the system to call a long/short?
When you say you had 4 trades in the last two weeks, do you mean the system actually called those trades as long/short, and then you just ignored the trend indicator? Using the standard template?

Or did you have to use that websites custom template to get the system to call a long/short?

Soemtimes, the system calls a trade and I ignore it. Other times, it doesn't call a trade but i open one anyway because it is obvious that it should have called one! the problem is that the trend indicator has too much lag to be effective.

Just using your eyeballs and common sense is far better. If there is an obvious trend before the Tokyo session and if the Tokyo session restricts that trend, then we have a possible trade regardless of what the system indicators say.

Those 4 trades were some that the system called and some I called myself.

The 'custom' template contains no indicators but comes with a pdf set of instructions which, it would seem, are far better than the London Rush indicators...
Sometimes, the system calls a trade and I ignore it. Other times, it doesn't call a trade but i open one anyway because it is obvious that it should have called one

Why use it at all then ?

i had it and my view is that if you follow it ( as you paid for it otherwise why buy it ) you will end up losing money as i did.simply put : it does not work.Period.