T2W Job Page.

Arabian, "gives her sweets" is a coded way of saying he does something utterly vile and filthy to her. I can hardly bring myself to say this...no, the truth must out. The disgusting beast!

"Gives her sweets" is slang for...ugh, vile, vile creature! It is slang for "teaches her technical analysis".

he's a sick sick man. why can't he just molest her like normal people in a position of trust his age?
Arabian, "gives her sweets" is a coded way of saying he does something utterly vile and filthy to her. I can hardly bring myself to say this...no, the truth must out. The disgusting beast!

"Gives her sweets" is slang for...ugh, vile, vile creature! It is slang for "teaches her technical analysis".

He pretends hes reading L2, when really hes oogling her soft white boobies.(drooling)