hi mike.. cheers for that ... it's a tricky one, because if you get duped the first time go live, regardless of how small the trades.. it wil still have a knock on affect re confidence in yourself, brokers in general and worst of all your trading plan..
funny you mention capital spreads... my brother used them a year or so ago.. not too keen on their attitude - not sure he traded long enough to suss whether the dice were truly loaded or not re his account.. but the platform certainly froze at the wrong time on occassions.. the comment on FF i relate to was in fact relating to Capital Spreads...i've tried to dig the comment on the forum out, but still can't find it... it's in the broker discussion sub forum somewhere.
I used CS prior to 2010 or so, and didn't find any attitude problems, but I thought the platform at that time was clunky. I went on to Tradefair whose platform I found much nicer to use (even though it's an LCG White Label Partner, the look and feel was different and better). CS platform has been upgraded since, and I think it's better than it was.
I think you'd have a similar trading experience at either of those these days.
I would have been trading live with SML by now, but they turned me down...on grounds of inexperience! From the way I replied to their questionnaire...probably because I had not demo'd their platform, or not for long enough, or read their trading guide. Partly through pique, and partly inertia, I gave up at that hurdle, at least for the time being.
Since those days, the SML rep who used to come on here and be quite active seems to have disappeared. They haven't replied to the last few emails I've sent them. So I'm beginning to have my doubts about them. Perhaps it didn't prove as profitable as they'd hoped.
Pity because it's good to have at least one SB firm with an MT4 interface. Actually, I personally don't care if it's MT4, MT5, or in fact any other programmable interface, so long as it's well-documented (I don't have a big investment in MT4 code, but I know lots do). Not for automatic trading, but for alerts and information, etc. I suspect in the past, the SB's have shied away from a programmable interface because it would have been too easy for the clever sods to exploit weaknesses in their platforms, servers, data feeds, whatever. Perhaps now that they all seem to have speeded up that side of things, there is less of a window (Simon Denham seems to suggest that it's less of an issue than it used to be).